Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas at home...

Well I'm finally done with Christmas shopping! I've been so busy lately that I just didn't have time to decorate the house for Christmas. I made a small wreath for the front door, you can hardly see it in the photo below.
We've had such great weather lately that the lawn has finally gotten its lush green color again.
I've started counting all of the Christmas cards I've received from thoughtful people who I left of fmy list. If I didn't send you a card, its not because I don't like you. Its more because I'm a bit disorganized. (er-that's disorganised for you Brits reading this). And since I didn't send any Christmas cards to my British friends, I apologize (I mean apologise) for being such a cad.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you've corrected the spelling. Although looking at the paragraph below you've spelt Neighbours incorrectly... tsk tsk.

    Great Blog Mr R.... Keep up the good work...


Thank you kindly.