Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Today's Random Topic: Shoes

So this woman I work with is totally obsessed with shoes that she actually has a tattoo of a shoe on her ankle. (See left). She's way cool, and I like her sense of style actually. Anyway for some crazy reason it resulted in this random post on shoes.

These red ones are probably not the best choice for church...

Some poor zebra died to make these shoes below:

My friend Ben wears man-clogs...whatever...

Stinky old shoes...and fancy clown shoes...

Genie shoes are always a hit...

Even Homer Simpson knows its important to pick the right shoes...

Stevie Nicks is famous for her crazy high boots...

Comfy Vans to *ouch* how do women WEAR THESE THINGS?

and the most famous ones of all...

- Rick Rockhill

1 comment:


    I don't get to wear them much here. Worked well in Ann Arbor and San Diego....not so much in Indianapolis.


Thank you kindly.