Monday, February 26, 2007

Academy Bows to Pressure for Recount

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has bowed to pressure to recount votes cast for the Oscar Award for Feature Documentary given to An Inconvenient Truth last night.

"There is compelling evidence that there were inconsistencies in the tabulation of votes from members of the Academy", according to an anonymous source close to Oscar officials. A number of the ballots cast for the Al Gore documentary appear to be tampered with, in a method similar to the 2000 Presidential Election in which the former vice president lost the election due to voting irregularities, sources report.

Officials for the Academy are tight-lipped about this snafu, and have requested the Oscar statue be returned until a formal ruling can be made. "However long the recount takes, we will continue to fight for justice" said a source close to the directors of co-nominee: Deliver Us From Evil". Lawyers for both sides are gearing up for an intense investigation. This is the first time we've ever had a voting scandal in the 79 years of the Academy Awards. "All I can say is its a strange coincidence that Al Gore is the nominee who won", said a janitor at the Kodak theatre.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. hey funny post.

    Just letting you know I've added your link to my blog.
    The Ordinary Adventures of Tomas

    Feel free to do the same if you want. Also Tomas wants to know if he can get your imaginary housekeepers phone #. So that they could maybe go on a blind date.

  2. Very nice!

    The janitor quote sells this satire!

  3. LOL, LOL....Very Funny! Thanks for coming by and I am happy to meet you!
    I want to see the Janitor on MSNBC!

  4. Great post! Nice writing style too very subtle sense of humor.

  5. Borat: "We believe we won, but some of the voters have not had their votes counted. They deserve justice, and we will fight on."

  6. I haven't had TV recpetion in my home for so long that i always miss out on the major things happening in this world. Thanks for keeping us so well informed. *lol*


Thank you kindly.