Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Saturday Seven: Top 10 Girl Bands of the Ages

Ah...Girl bands...they tease, tantilize, titillate, and turn-on many a boy and girl. These sultry songstresses have commanded the attention of music lovers for as long as people began buying vinyl records. By girl band of course, I really mean a group of only girls who sing. I suppose a strict definition would mean that only girls play instruments, but this is my blog, so I'll include anyone I want. I have many favorites...and some of them go back to the glorious 80's when music was fun, without deep meaning and was great to dance to. Here are my top 10 favorites (unless I remember someone else later). Thanks to my bud Mr Jim for the great idea for this post. I'm sending you 10% of the profits from this posting Jim.

above left: #1 Expose: These dippy dames really put out some GREAT dance music. By far some of my best moves were to these girls. I remember one was from Rhode Island, so I always felt a "special connection".

check out this great clip...then continue below for the rest of the list

above left: #2 The Go-Go's: Always made me feel happy and kept my toes tapping
above right: #3 The Bangles: Seemed more sophisticated. I remember thinking "Walk Like an Egyption" was so cultured and a good way to bridge relations with the middle east.

above left: #4 Spice Girls: Such talent, such deep meaning, so philosophical. ah, who cares, their music practically undressed you as you listened.
above right: #5 EnVogue: Now that's what I'm talkin about! I loved these girls' music so much I thought I was black.

above left: #6: The Pointer Sisters: made everybody forget their race, and just had a good time
above right: #7 Destiny's Child: Wow! One word: Bootylicious.

above left: #8: The Dixie Cups: Popular songbirds of the 60's. My favorite is the timeless: "Chapel of Love"

above right: #9 The Dixie Chicks: These wacko-liberal socialists can actually sing...and I love their cover of Landslide by Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac.

above left #10 The Shirelles: had the "girls next door" image. Their hit Soldier Boy is an oldie but a goodie.

above left: Steve Nicks, with Sharon Celani and Lori Perry (OK not really a girl BAND but its my blog so I'm adding them. You have to admit, Stevie can really rock out. She liberated my mind.
above right: The Supremes: Timeless and bubbly, its hard to resist their classic sound.

above left: Sweet Sensation: Tough broads from the Bronx, their fast paced "Take it while its hot" and "Never let you go" were popular with all the jappy girls in NY when I went to clubs on Long Island. I think one of these songs actually got me laid one time by a cheerleader.
above right: flash-in-the-pan: Mary Jane Girls-yikes

above left: The Shaggs (yup!)
above right: Sweet Sue's band in the comedy: Some Like it Hot

above left: Fuzzbox, above right: Bratmobile

above left: The Mermaids, above right:Beijing Red Poppies Ladies’ Percussion
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Sweet Sue's Syncopated Whatever-they-were-calleds were the best. Love that movie!

  2. How could I have missed your blog? I'm so glad you found mine. Anyone who can blog about Fuzzbox is going straight onto my permanent reading list. I remember when the video to "Love is the Slug" came out and well - then they slid into "Pink Sunshine," which kind of lost me...too happy for the time -

  3. Oh, a Fuzzbox reference! Where have you BEEN while I've been surfing blogs???


Thank you kindly.