Saturday, February 3, 2007

I Love Cheese

Found a great website for all you fellow cheese lovers out there. is a blatant effort by the American Dairy Association to encourage more consumption of cheese, but how bad can that be? It's harmless enough...although I must caution: after viewing you may find yourself inexplicably drawn to fireplace with a bottle of wine, a loaf of french bread, and a wedge of cheese! It has a nice A-Z cheese reference section, and wine pairing suggestions too.

Not sure why, but people from Wisonsin, the French, the Welsh, and folks from the north of England are all mega cheese lovers.

The Cheesiest Questions of All:
Q: What kind of cheese do you like best?
A: To be honest, I tend to like plain cheeses: Cheddar, Monterey Jack, Mozzarella & Muenster
Q: Which is better: Greek Salad with Feta or a Wedge Salad with crumbled Bleu?
A: Hmmm, depends on my mood but usually Greek with Feta
Q: Serve room temp or chilled?
A: Some cheeses are best room temp, but I always freak out when I'm at a party and the cheese has been out all night
Q: Fondue or not to fondue?
A: Fondue oh yes.
Q: Overall favorite dish that has lots-o-cheese
A: Mmmmm...Lasagna
Q: Red or white wine with your favorite cheese?
A: there anything else?

-Rick Rockhill


  1. Q: What kind of cheese do you like best?
    A: Mozzarella string cheese...I'm eternally 6 years old.
    Q: Which is better: Greek Salad with Feta or a Wedge Salad with crumbled Bleu?
    A: How about Caesar with Parmesan?
    Q: Serve room temp or chilled?
    A: temp = cheese funk
    Q: Fondue or not to fondue?
    A: Fondue!!
    Q: Overall favorite dish that has lots-o-cheese
    A: Bean and Cheese burrito with an ice cold Corona
    Q: Red or white wine with your favorite cheese?
    A: Do they make beer flavored wine?

  2. Thanks for the link to The info. there will come in handy for our upcoming cheese event.
    We recently ate at Blue Beards Castle in St. Thomas. on the menu as a starter was homemade bread covered in melted Gorgonzola. Yahoo, I had trouble eating the rest of my meal because I ate nearly the entire loaf.

    Great Blog.


Thank you kindly.