Monday, March 19, 2007

An Excedrin Headache Day...

Today was another intense day at work. This pet food recall stuff is a mess. And a major headache to deal with. I was at the office by 6:30 AM and by 8:30 my head was already throbbing. I spent the entire day fielding calls from stores, our field management team, vendors and members of our senior management team. So many details that needed to be addressed. By the end of the day it felt like my brain was just full and couldn't take another single thought.

Lucky for me, I work with a talented group of people who help keep things moving. We managed to get a lot of the recall stuff organized and ready for an update meeting. I was busy pulling together information for the website, the company blog, and several internal memos. I always try to do too much myself. I'm always multi-tasking and doing five things at once....I really need to slow it of these days anyway.

If you are concerned about the pet food recall thats all over the news, first let me say that DRY PET FOOD IS SAFE! The recall is only on certain wet food products. We have everything updated on including the details by brand, with the "best by date" and production codes for you to check out by product.
-Rick Rockhill

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