Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Saturday Seven: Reasons to Buy Organic Stuff

This weekend I am attending the Natural Products Expo West Convention in Anaheim CA. It's a huge trade show with all kinds of natural and organic products. The more I read and learn about organic, the more it interests me. I'm sort of a cross-over organic shopper, but now more and more of the foods in my kitchen are organic.
I thought this would make a perfect posting for The Saturday Seven: Reasons to Buy Organic Stuff
1. No pesticides
2. No antibiotics or growth hormones
3. No artificial colors or flavors
4. No preservatives
5. No geneticially modified organisms
6. Supports sustainable, renewable farming techniques
7. Minimal processing to preserve vitamins and healthy benefits
-Rick Rockhill


  1. yeah! Another person into Organic foods! I think its great that you are into it. thanks for spreading the word.

  2. Although buying orgainic is more expensive I am slowly working it into the budget. I love Whole foods stores. They have the freshest looking veggies on earth. There are some orgainic farms that you can buy a share of the crop. Also expensive.


Thank you kindly.