Thursday, March 22, 2007

Shriek Week: What a Scream

What a week its been at work. The wet pet food recall has literally occupied all of my time. At least I found time to take a leak today, which seemed next to impossible yesterday. Sure is a good thing I enjoy my job. Its been constant stress this week and non-stop calls, e-mails piling up and one crisis after another. I now have over 1,500 unread e-mails at work...hopefully I can get through them over the weekend. One thing is for sure- I have no time to get bored! Once again, I realize how fortunate I am to work with a great team of people. We all watch out for each other and things seem to get done. It's a great place to work and if you love animals, we have plenty of dogs in the office everyday. Sometimes I think its the dogs all over the place that help reduce stress. I mean really, aren't dogs the best thing God has given us?
Below: Here are different versions of me this week:
Today I discovered that the tags I use actually work, and those "spiders" get my blog out there. My ridiculous blog popped up on the "radar" screen at work. So my humble blog was reviewed by our communications department and Legal Team! What a riot. Lucky for me I don't have any embarrassing hobbies. It turned out to be just fine. I offered to add a "disclaimer" at the bottom of my blog so when I express my personal opinions about pet related stuff it does not appear as though I am representing the company in an official capacity. Not that I think for one second that anyone takes this crazy blog seriously or anything...
-Rick Rockhill


  1. hey if you look like me, how am I supposed to sell issues of the weekly world news now???

  2. What a week you've had Rick! Wow -- hopefully (aside from an overflowing email inbox) you'll have a chance to do some R and R this weekend!!

    (HUGE bear hug) ...b

  3. funny story about the work folks reading your blog. if they are anything like my company's legal eagles, that must have been funny to see


Thank you kindly.