Thursday, April 5, 2007

The Big Smoke Out

We all had a "smoke break" today at work, when the building was evacuated as a mysterious smell of smoke permeated the first floor. It smelled like plastic burning, or maybe oil. I was in a meeting when someone walked in to hand over my friend Peggy's dog Amber, and in a hushed tone, casually mentions that they were evacuating the building. She quietly walked out, leaving us all wondering if we should run like hell. I ran to my desk to grab my wallet and digital camera of course, then joined everyone else outside to wait for the building to burn down.
Below left: "Amber" waits with her mommy outside. Below right: Fire Marshall Shannon says: "Thumbs Up for Safety!"

It ended up being just a motor in the air ventilation system that had burned out. Never even saw a firetruck.
-Rick Rockhill

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