Friday, April 13, 2007

My Appearance on Fox News: Fair and Balanced!

On Wednesday night and Thursday morning I was on Fox News TV. The local San Diego news affiliate did a story about the pet food recall, and asked for some perspective and comments. Our VP of Communications provided most of the commentary, but they asked me to comment on consumer reactions to the pet food recall, and about why there has been so much interest in natural and organic pet foods. I was taped in the natural food aisle, explaining the differences between natural and organic pet foods, and why they are appealing to more and more consumers since the start of the recall. It was an interesting experience-and as it turns out the clip also ran on several national Fox News affiliates. Lots of friends and aquaintances called to tell me they saw me on TV. Very cool. Check out the link for one of the broadcasts:

Below is an edited excerpt of the text from the story that ran on Fox News:

"The second largest pet retailer, based right here in San Diego spoke to Fox about the pet food recall, and how their company is handling it.
When the recall started nearly one month ago, the company has assembled a team of 15 people, devoted to monitoring the crisis. Officials say they have been working 7 days a week to keep up with expanding recall.

"There have been recalls, but nothing of this magnitude," said VP of Corporate Communications. "This is a significant event for the industry."
The team is communicating with the public at the stores, and over the Internet.

They won't say if the recall has affected sales, but they do say that more and more of their customers are buying organic and "all-natural" pet food products. Most do not contain wheat gluten, the ingredient that has been linked with the recall."Natural foods are minimally processed. They don't have chemicals and preservatives and they have high-quality ingredients," said Merchandise manager Rick Rockhill.

So far, we have pulled 160 products off their shelves. But As widespread as this recall has been, it's only one percent of the pet food supply in the United States.


  1. That was awesome. You and Kevin are stars. Thanks for sharing.


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  3. Congratulations, ya big TV star! Great to see you in action.


Thank you kindly.