Monday, April 30, 2007

Panama Cruise, Day 12: Fiesta Mexicana Tropical Deck Party

Last night was a “Fiesta Mexicana Tropical Deck Party”, starting at 10:30 PM on one of the top decks by the pool. I had to plan ahead if I wanted to make it through the night, so I took an afternoon nap in order to stay awake past 10:00. When I arrived, the party was well under way. People dressed in island style attire were drinking all sorts of tropical drinks and dancing to the live band that played a mixture of calypso and party songs that keep people dancing.

The highlight of the evening, without doubt was the most amazing buffet I have ever seen in my life. It was truly a work of art, all kinds of sculptures made out of fruit, vegetables, and an amazing array of pastries, cakes and pies. They opened the buffet line for photos before the scavengers were allowed to tear into it. Here is my exhibit- take a close look at the incredible detail and time that went into making these. If my memory serves me right, the crew who do ice sculptures are also the same people who know how to do these amazing fruit carvings.

Later in the evening, the crowd went wild, dancing into a frenzy as conga lines formed seemingly out of thin air. At one point, people were dancing around the pool and all jumped in-with their clothes on. It was a crazy scene, even if the cruise director team had planned it that way, it looked spontaneous and fun.

I decided it was the perfect evening to smoke my Cuban cigar and stay up a little later than usual to enjoy the festivities. It was well worth it!

-Rick Rockhill
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