Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Panama Cruise, Day 7: Fuerte Amador, Panama & Day at Sea

Today is a full day at sea. Early morning we arrived at Fuerte Amador, Panama (photo left) before heading toward Costa Rica. In the morning, our ship was at the closest point to the equator, it was just a few hundred miles south of us. After my morning laps around the Promenade Deck to work off the food I have been eating, I spent most of the morning and afternoon lounging poolside and chatting with family. The weather was perfect, 86 degrees and sunny.

This morning’s “Princess Patter” (the daily ship newsletter) had an interesting article which advised passengers to keep an eye out for Boobies. I immediately reverted to age 14 and found this quite amusing. It turns out that Boobies are seabirds that follow ships and dive into the water for fish disturbed by the ship’s wake as it cuts through the water. I spent a good portion of the afternoon taking photos of Boobies. Here is my exhibit:

Ice Sculpture Demonstration
The crew had another ice sculpture demonstration by the pool today. I’ll spare all the details, since I covered it in a previous post, but I’m including photos of the before and after sculpture. This block of ice became a horse’s head in plenty of time before it all melted away in the hot sun.

After the ice sculpture demonstration, I decided to continue my exploration of the Princess art collection on board. As it turns out, there is a great deal of interesting art in all sorts of places. I found some new paitings that were worth sharing. At the next sea day I'll explore some of the sculpture onboard as well.

After dinner, I relaxed in one of the lounges with a glass of wine to enjoy some piano music. It was a nice relaxing stress-free day. There are so many different options on board for entertainment. Aside from the theatre and lounges with full stages and acts every night, there are hidden-away bars and lounges all over the ship, some with live music, such as the one pictured here. It's sometimes hard to decide what to do after dinner, when there are so many options.

Tomorrow the ship arrives in Puntarenas, Costa Rica, where we have a full day at port.
-Rick Rockhill

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