Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Panama Cruise, Day 14: Cabo San Lucas

I was quite excited to arrive in Cabo San Lucas this morning. The view from my balcony of the rock formations was quite stunning. The famous "Lands End" rock formations that I've seen in brochures and on TV were before my eyes. I watched them change as sunrise shed different hues of red and orange. I could just barely see dolphins, sea lions and birds swarming around them, but my camera didn't have a strong enough zoom to catch them from the ship. I'd have to get a closer look later. After taking a few photos I slipped on some clothes and went up to the top deck for a 360 degree view. Here are a few photos I took from the ship:

A Brief History of Cabo San Lucas
Cabo San Lucas was originally inhabited by the Cochimi Inidians. Spanish explorers were disappointed to find no gold, but did find an abundance of pearls. In the 1700’s there were over 30 Jesuit missions founded in Cabo, all of which were decimated by disease by 1850. After a brief American invasion was ordered by President James K. Polk, the US apparently decided it really didn’t need any more desert or coastal property and negotiated it away to Mexico. Cabo San Lucas is known for it’s excellent fishing waters, and is the primary tourist attraction.
Since Cabo doesn’t have a pier deep enough to accommodate large ships, we weighed anchor off shore and “tendered” to shore. I was already booked on a snorkel boat excursion so I made my way to the pier where we took a catamaran out to “Lands End” to see the incredible rock formations. We saw a large group of Sea Lions playing together on a rock. I enjoyed the views of the coast as we sailed out to the snorkel point. The beach was beautiful and not crowded at all. Later in the afternoon when we made it back to the pier, we ran into Rich, Dawson, Ray & Ann who were returning from deep sea fishing, where they caught this Mako shark. While walking along the pier, I saw these crazy Pelicans, who were not bothered by me being so close.

The shops along the piers were a combination of locally made crafts and overpriced tourist junk. I didn’t buy anything, but enjoyed looking around. It was a perfect day, with no cares or worries at all.

Tomorrow we are at sea all day.
-Rick Rockhill
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