Thursday, June 21, 2007

Relaxing at the Beach House

Despite a hectic week and being out of town for two days on business, I managed to squeeze in a little time to relax at the beach house. I enjoy hearing the roar of the ocean, it can be so calming. The rhythm of waves crashing has such a melodic pace. While I still prefer the desert climate, the beach house offers a respite from the intense heat of Palm Springs.
Its easy to relax at the beach house with a nice refreshing cocktail! Our ever-loyal housekeeper, Mrs Danvers makes the most fantastic Mint Juleps when we are in San Diego. She makes them using Kentucky bourbon, organic sugar cane juice (instead of sugar) branch water, crushed ice, and fresh mint from the herb garden. (In Palm Springs she only serves Bombay Sapphire Gin and Tonics, so these are always a refreshing change). After a hard day at work, I quite like to sip my cocktail and listen to the seagulls call out to one another as they circle the coast searching for an evening meal. It only takes one or two Mint Juleps for me to unwind. They're a perfect way to relax before dinner and reflect on the day's events.

How she does it I'll never know...
One of the challenges of splitting time between the desert and the beach house is trying to keep both houses stocked with food; in particular fresh produce and perishables. Fortunately Mrs Danvers does most of the shopping and is quite good at making things work. She usually stocks the kitchen with a variety of organic fruits and vegetables and fresh cheeses. She also bakes the most fantastic herb breads, with fresh grown herbs from our garden.
Dinner is served precisely within one hour of my arrival home, regardless of the hour. While I enjoy cooking, it's something I prefer to do on weekends; it's nice not to have to cook dinner on a week night. Somehow Mrs Danvers keeps up with my work schedule, keeps both houses running smoothly and never complains. (Well, she only really complains about that young Mrs DeWinter who I understand is just evil to the core...but that's a story for another day).

Being overcome by thirst, I can write no further.

-Rick Rockhill


  1. I'm from Kentucky, but frankly one of my least favorite drinks is a Mint Julep. The gin and tonics, however....

    Love the pic of Diana Rigg as Mrs. Danvers. She's SO cheery!

  2. Manderley sounds like such a wonderful place, with good help, too.

  3. Pardon me, I've just climbed out from under the rock....and am just wondering: "What in the hell is branch water"?

  4. Lewis- "branch water" is a southern term for plain water, mixed in a drink, highball, etc. The term was widely used at one time to distinguish from soda water, ginger ale, or the like; its really just ordinary water.

  5. that mrs danvers is something else, you are lucky to have her. Now about that evil Mrs deWinter...

  6. Would you lika visit from a norwegian stud this summer? Great blog.

  7. You're so weird Rick. I never know what's real and what's Rick fantasy land.

  8. Thanks Dvs...that's the fun part of this blog..disecting "the sublime from the ridiculous...the fact from the fiction". Believe what you like, its just for fun anyway~

  9. You have a housekeeper??! (she asks incredulously)


    PS. I live right across the river from Louisville, Kentucky, the home of the world-famous Kentucky Derby and the mint julep....I always thought they tasted like chilled mouth wash. Sorry.

  10. Your Mrs Danvers looks familiar Rick! Ha ha! Diana Rigg was so good in that role.

    P.S. I enjoy my visits here Rick and wondered if you'd like to swap links. I've just added your link to my blog.


Thank you kindly.