Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Saturday Seven: Sexiest Men Alive

There is something about seeing a handsome, well put-together guy that can just make your day. Throw in an air of confidence, a dash of charisma, a warm smile and nice manners and it's a perfect package. Gents with all those traits are not as common as one would imagine. These guys do seem to exist on the silver screen. Since the Golden Age of Hollywood, there is a long history of actors that consumed the attention of the paparazzi and mainstream media alike. At the risk of looking like a teeny-bopper blog, this brings me to another tantalizing, titillating and exciting edition of: The Saturday Seven: Sexiest Men Alive
#1 Brad Pitt
Readers of this blog may already know that I find Brad Pitt to be the cat's meow...first rate...primo, well you get the picture. I've always thought Brad was terrific, but when I ran into him at the Palm Springs Film Festival last year I was impressed by his "presence". If you have never met Brad Pitt, I should tell you he has major star quality and wow is he hot. I surprised myself at how "taken" I was by him. At age 43 he looks better than ever. His new "Oceans Thirteen" film is on my list to see for sure. Incidentally, he's much better off with Angelina Jolie than Jennifer Aniston in my opinion.
#2 Matt Damon
I've aways thought Matt Damon was a great looking guy. Early films like "Mystic Pizza", "Chasing Amy", and "School Ties" established himself as an up-and comer. Later favorites included "The Talented Mr Ripley", "Oceans Eleven", "The Bourne Identity" and "The Bourne Supremacy". I just saw "The Good Shepherd" and really enjoyed his performance as Edward Wilson, heading up the early CIA organization in the WWII time frame. At 36, Matt still has a clean, fresh face and seems like the kind of guy you'd like to meet for lunch. I'm hoping he gets out to Palm Springs again soon. He was last in town with other Hollywood buds this past November but at a private house he rented.
#3 George Clooney
He may be somewhat of a wacko-liberal, but I must admit, I enjoy his acting, and he is a good looking guy. His early days on television's "ER" caught the attention of the American public. He successfully transitioned to the big screen and had a string of films that established him as a Hollywood mover-and-shaker. Personally, I liked "The Perfect Storm" and of course the "Oceans" series. George Clooney looks great in jeans or a tuxedo and has a definite air of confidence. At the age of 46, he looks much better than say, Harrison Ford who has aged badly. Harrison is cool, but geez, he looks rough. George still has the suave well-tanned sophisticated look without looking like George Hamilton!
#4 Daniel Craig
Despite the fact that I like to keep this a family blog (safe for all readers) and not show any skin, this is hands-down my favorite photo of Daniel Craig, as James Bond in the 007 film "Casino Royale". Although largely an unknown in the USA, when he was initially chosen as the new Bond there was an outcry. Once people saw him on screen, he knocked it out of the park. Daniel Craig is definitely not handsome in a traditional way-he has a "rough-and-tumble" way about him. All I can say is that I think he is an excellent 007 and he is the first Bond to wear a pair of Speedos.
#5 Jude Law
I always thought Jude Law to be nothing more than another skinny British actor. But when I saw the film "The Holiday" (with Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslett and Jack Black), I thought he was great. He was mysterious at first, and in the end turned out to be a sensitive, loving father. A few years earlier, I remember him catching my eye in "The Talented Mr Ripley, but he was overshadowed of course by my #2 entry, Matt Damon in that film. Jude has a certain "je ne sais quoi" about him, but he has a magnetism and a killer set of piercing eyes. I think he is under-appreciated in Hollywood.

#6 Jesse Metcalfe
At 29, Jesse Metcalfe has barely had enough time to establish a career. After a few stints on TV shows like "Smallville" and "Passions" he went on to film "John Tucker Must Die", which attracted modest attention. However, his role on TV's "Desperate Housewives" as the hunky John Rowland catapulted him to the spotlight among young girls and frustrated women alike. You have to admit, he is a great looking guy. I've not met Jesse yet, but he runs with a Hollywood crowd that comes to the desert to relax in the hot mineral spring spa resorts. Perhaps the Desperate Housewives show will have a cast wrap party in Palm Springs next season and I can meet him then!
#7 Jake Gyllenhaal
The Godson of actress Jaime Lee Curtis, Jake Gyllenhaal has been acting longer than most people recall. Incidentally, I ran into Jake (and Jaime Lee) at the Hollywood premiere of "Brokeback Mountain" in LA. In fact I sat in front of Jake in the theatre. Roles in "October Sky" and "The Day After Tomorrow" earned him recognition and praise as a newcomer. Certainly his role in Brokeback was courageous. A straight actor playing the role of a straight guy who has a fling with another guy is a very risky endeavor. I was impressed with his ability to handle a difficult role in a controversial film. Jake isn't the best looking guy out there, but he earns points for his casual style and shy demeanor.
Bonus: Will Smith
I have always liked Will Smith. First of all, he is my age, just a few days younger in fact. He is a hard worker and has a great attitude. Fatherhood is important to him, and he seems to be relatively stable in his marriage to Jada Pinkett. I've always like his music (even though I am generally not a rap fan). After his run on TV's "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air", he quickly racked up a series of really excellent fims, such as: "Men In Black", "Enemy of the State", "Legend of Bagger Vance", "Ali", and "Pursuit of Happyness", among others. A friend of mine has had dinner with Will and confirmed that he is truly a really nice, genuine guy. So Will makes it to my traditional bonus entry for this Saturday Seven post.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Mmmmmm, I like this post! Jake Gyllenhaal would have been my number one, though. Or George Clooney. No, Daniel Craig. Oh, I can't decide.

  2. Is this list all-inclusive? Any chance of adding Matthew McC.....what's his name? Abs to die for.

  3. I must marvel at how many times you have been able to work the Daniel Craig beach photo into your blog. Well done old boy. Well done.

  4. Very nice blog....and a great list of sexy stars.

  5. If I could I would have Daniel Craig's baby, otherwise, dunno, I like baseball playas...Bobby Crosby anyone?

  6. Jakes the one for me i think. Nice cute face!

    Kev in New Zealand.

  7. Rick- This is one of my favorite Saturday Seven posts for sure! Great job with the major hitters...what about Ryan Seacrest? Hmm well again, not better than this bunch. well nevermind, but maybe we could give Ryan an honorable mention perhaps.

    Not sure how you can top this post, but I'll be watching!!!

  8. It always amazes/amuses me how we all have such diverse preferences -- a good thing, actually. To me, all these men are fabulous, but Jake's talent, charm, persona AND looks blow all the others out of the water. It has been, and continues to be, pure pleasure to watch him mature and grow. There are more recent pictures out there of him (particularly those taken in Cannes) that show him as the beautiful MAN he has become.

  9. I'm with you on all those choices, I do however still have a thing for Bruce Willis. What can I say, I'm an 80's queen.

  10. Its a crime to post the sexiest men alive and not mention at least one of the following:
    1. Jared Leto
    2. Josh Wald
    3. Jay Hernandez
    4. Justin Timberlake
    5. John Abraham

    You can see I have a bit of a 'J' fetish!


  11. I really enjoy drinking my first cup of coffee and looking at those guys! Very nice choices. I also like some older guys like Redford and my top choice of all time--Cary Grant. Yes, he's dead--but those films are forever!

  12. I only see actors on this list [any reason why?] To be honoust, don't agree with a single one of them...sorry;))

    But it are good actors though!

  13. This is a good list. I'd add Matt Lauer from The Today Show...

  14. Brad Pitt has very unfortunate skin in real life though.

    I would add Simon Baker, Josh Lucas, and Eric Dane. Hubba hubba.

    For dead [or old] celebs, I would add James Dean, Rock Hudson, Cary Grant, Gene Kelly, the young Paul Newman, and the young Marlon Brando.

    Ooh, and Montgomery Clift too.

  15. Luke Wilson. I'm crazy about that guy.

  16. Kind of standard choices but for sure Brad Pitt. I might put Ryan Phillippe over Jude Law or Matt Damon. All actors so maybe the post should be the 7 sexiest actors alive. You could do athletes one time (David Beckham) musicians (Ricky Martin). Just something to think about. Good blogging!

  17. Rick,
    I haven't read all your Saturday 7 posts so maybe you already did the athlete and musician as I see you have done male crooner and female vocalist, so I should pay more attention. I couldn't find a link to read them all, something to consider or am I missing this too. Anyways I hope your weekend was great!

  18. Well I'm a great fan of Jake Gyllenhaal. Never been high on Damon though - something about the shape of his head. Hard to argue with Brad, although living with that succubus Angelina seems to be taking its toll on him. Might I nominate Jonathan Rhys Meyers as well? He seems quite perverse. Clive Owen too.

  19. Thanks! Your blog is le sex as well, especially this post. I might need to copy you and do a top sexiest men post as well. I love me some Jakey-poo and Will Smith.

  20. Lay off on Harrison Ford. He is 65 and still a bad ass. I agree that his film choices of late have been questionable but I bet he could still mop the floor with some of these pretty boys.

  21. I probably would move Jake up too. But like your picks!

  22. nice post. dan craig turns my crank.

  23. Jake is hot ... and George Clooney, of course, always gets my attention. But my vote would be a tie between two men you didn't list - Ryan Phillippe and Clive Owen.

  24. Well, your summary about Jake and the 2+ yr old pic you posted and the incorrect comment about BBM is revealing. Maybe that's why he is way down on your list, I myself would list him as #1, for sure. Brad Pitt is old news, so is Clooney, and at least one of the guys up there is downright ugly, at least in the pic you chose for your post, sorry!

  25. oooh, great post... however, two major omissions: Ian Sommerhalder and Peter Sarsgaard... I'm all about those two. Oh and Brad Pitt too. ;-)

  26. Great list...all I would change is some of the order, but you nailed it.

  27. Oh. Em. Gee.

    George Clooney®™©™ is my Future Ex-Husband!

  28. WEll you were correct, I did like the Saturday Seven!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)

  29. Hello!


    Yes Brad. Yes Matt. Yes Daniel. Yes Jesse. And YES YES YES JAKEY G.

    George Clooney does nothing for me. Neither does Jude Law, although I think Jude is a terrific actor. I cannot stand pompous annoying WILL SMITH! UGH! NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

    I'd like to add Chris Evans please, from the Fantastic Four movies. MY GOD.

  30. uh- yum. such a nice way to spend a Monday evening, with these handsome faces looking back at me! Thanks for the smiles.


  31. I totally agree with you about Daneil Craig- that is one tall drink 'o' water and I am absolutely dehydrated, so i need to drink all of him!

    Thanks for stopping my my blog and for your comments. Am going to check up on yours now!

    T xx

  32. I always knew Daniel Craig would be a good Bond. He's kind of like a cute terrier dog. Interesting choices.... Matt Damon wouldn't figure if I were to write a list but Gyllenhaal definitely would because he has such expressively doleful eyes. x

  33. hi rick: thanks for pointing me to this post, and for the oppty. to see your blog. nice! i'm listing it immediately on mine. love the variety, color, topics ... all of it!. regarding this sexiest man post, my permanent one (other than my partner of course) is not list ... josh duhamel. so, i'll gawk at all the nominees, and even dear old matt who eventually won. but, josh will always be the sexiest one alive for me ... or maybe even "alex" from grey's anatomy???

  34. george clooney, hugh jackman, colin farrell, adam beach........oh what a yummy set that is!


Thank you kindly.