Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wisdom Wednesdays: Featuring Dr Sidney Wang

ASK DR WANG, "the psychic betta fish"

This week's letter is from Andrew in Eagan, MN.
Dear Dr Wang,

My wife and I have been following your Wisdom Wednesday columns for the past several months. We decided that the time had finally come for us to write in. We have been trying to start a family for the past year, with no luck. After numerous visits to the family doctor and fertility clinics, we know there is no medical reason that we cannot have children, so we continue to try. Do you see children in our future? What do we need to do to have a family? Should we just give up trying and file papers to adopt? What does your great bubble wall say about this? I hope you post our letter and respond soon.

Andrew, Eagan, MN

Dr Wang responds: Dear Andrew,

You and your wife sound desperate for an answer, so I moved your letter up ahead of several others I've received. (Hopefully everyone else will be patient). I may be psychic but I am still just a tiny betta fish and prefer to limit my responses to just one per week! Now, regarding your situation..being a fish I am always baffled when you humans have reproductive problems. All the female fishes in the sea reproduce quite regularly and happily, but I do understand that our systems are quite different. I have consulted The Great Bubble Ball in my tank to meditate on this matter. In fact I spent the better part of a day contemplating your situation. Suddenly, just before feeding time, there was an unexplainable eruption at The Great Bubble Wall, with the most unusual pattern of bubbles. I swam to the wall and with great reverence read the message-it was an answer to your question.

While adoption is quite admirable, it will not be necessary for you and your wife to start a family. There is a very specific circumstance that is about to present itself to you that you must take advantage of. Your boss is about to announce that he is closing the office for three days for some office reconstruction project. Use the paid time off to take your wife to Chicago. You will find a hotel on Michigan Avenue with a midweek special rate package. When you check in, be sure to request the Lakefront Luxury package, it is a special romantic suite with a view of Lake Michigan. While the waters of Lake Michigan are too chilly (and fresh) for betta fish, I do have some distant cousins in those waters.

While at the hotel, be sure to order room service for breakfast...a midget named "Sammy" will deliver your breakfast. He will wink at your wife, but do not be offended, it is your destiny. There, in that very suite, your wife will "conceive". But you are in for more than you bargained for...your wife will eventually end up having twins. I'd like to suggest that you name one of your children Sidney, even if its just a middle name. Be patient for the pregnancy will not show for a few weeks. Be sure to thank your boss for the time off. Best of luck with your new family, and I hope you send photos of the newborns next year.

In the meantime, keep swimming upstream,

-Dr Wang

"Wisdom Wednesdays" features the sage advice of our resident oracle, psychic betta fish "Dr Sidney Wang". Believed to be a reincarnated descendant of King Rama II of Siam, Dr Wang responds to e-mail submissions with advice, predictions of the future and conveys ancient proverbs to provide guidance and support. Dr Sidney Wang's 24 Hour Wisdom, Advice and Inspiration service is also available from the left side navigation for this feature.


  1. I dare not ask for advice from Dr. Wang. The thought of twins or any baby in my future strikes fear in my heart!

  2. hmmm...great idea! Great advice Dr Wang..and if all else fails, remember, family isn't just about having children, is about having each other-you are a family now. May they have a child in whatever way the heavenly fish see fit!
    There is in fact a midget at a mainstream hotel..Dr Wang speaks the truth!


  3. wow twins...scary fortune Dr Wang!!!!

  4. awwwww such wise did the world ever get along with the wisdom of the great Dr Wang??

    ( no, seriously...this isn't sarcasm...honest!!)


  5. Awww!! Dr. Wang, that is excellent news! :)


  6. I am in awe of Dr. Wang and his powers.


Thank you kindly.