Friday, November 9, 2007

This Blog Rates As College Level Reading (thank you very much)

I saw this on my friend Stephen Rader's blog and thought it was kinda cool. Apparently this blog rates as "College Level" reading. Oh well, so much for my Masters Degree. Try it for your blog, it's super easy to have it check out your site in just seconds.
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(Sheila from "Alabama Kitchen Sink" I can't WAIT to hear what your blog rates as).


  1. I don't know how to take this, but mine came back saying, "We were unable to check the URL you entered."

    Geez - I'm unreadable! Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

  2. For me too it came up as college level

  3. Mine said elementary school. What's up with that??? I tried it a few times, but it was adamant.

  4. Mine finally came up - undergrad as well. that good? I have a graduate degree, but I've never really "used" it. Being a mom has turned my mind to jello - waaaa!

  5. Hmm, I'll have to look into trying that as a disgruntled reader once said my blog is very lower 6th. :)
    have a great time in New England...

  6. okay, Mine said elementary too..hmmm, perhaps that asshat was right! :)

  7. Hi Rick,
    Alabama Kitchen Sink is high school level. I don't know if Flesch was used to figure the level but this is one of those situations where you want to be less than college level. Time, Reader's Digest, etc. are all less than college level. Think of your readers and make it easier for them. Fewer big words, shorter sentences and avoid the passive voice. Of course, I am so long-winded and need to heed my own advice.

    Great fun and thanks for steering me this way, Rick.

  8. College level, huh? Me and my High School Level are officially jealous of you!!! :)

  9. I am only high school level...does that mean I suck? LOL


Thank you kindly.