Friday, December 14, 2007

Have A Very Retro Christmas...

Living in Palm Springs, it's not hard to find plenty of authentic "Mid-Century Modern" homes. We embrace our past, with many of those 1950's stylish homes being restored to their original glory, with the all the modern conveniences of a new home. This time of year, I enjoy visiting friends with those great Mid-Century homes to see how retro they go with their Christmas trees and decorations. It's like stepping back in time. Last Christmas we were at a Christmas party at the former 1950 era home of Frank Sinatra. They decked out the home in fabulous retro Christmas decor, I expected Nancy Sinatra to come walking in with her hip high boots and start singin'. Anyway I digress. I thought I'd share a few fun "stock photos" of retro-esque Christmas trees. Hope you are in the holiday mood...

above: He's probably listening to Lawrence Welk. All he needs is a "Hot Toddy"

above: the color wheels were essential to these metallic trees...
above: Liberace was known for having a white tree, but with far more glitz and decorations of course!
above: just for good measure, I decided to throw in a purple tree...why not? Happy Friday all!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I would kill for the purple tree.

  2. if you have to celebrate Xmas, you might as well go retro. nice pix.

  3. Love the first picture...looks like my grandfather! We lived in a "retro" house in a suburb of Cleveland but it was small I am sure compared to whats in Palm Springs. I was a kid during that era.

  4. my grandmother had one of those silver trees and even as a kid i thought it was tacky.

  5. oops, i didn't complete my thought....

    but for some reason it works in Palm Springs!

    love it

  6. I remember "Hot Toddies" and Lawrence Welk-- does that date me or what? Maybe he'll go off to the Elk's Club for a Harvey Wallbanger! My parents were so into them!

    We put up our tree in a large playpen. Too many kids know that I can't pin the blame for getting into presents. It's fake because one of my daughters has bad, bad asthma and real trees have a very bad effect on her.

    I want the purple tree. "I only want to see you opening presents underneath the purple tree!" Prince would LOVE it.

  7. I like those metallic christmas trees, very chic. the purple one is really pretty, I think anyway.

  8. I have a funny story that involves the Lawrence Welk show and myself as an infant.
    My husband's grandmother had the silver tree with color wheel, sadly his parents destroyed was in mint condition when we first discovered it in her basement.
    I loved your imagry about Nancy Sinatra.

  9. Our family had one of those aluminum trees for a couple of years. All the ornaments were the same color and shape (balls) and there were no lights. After a couple of years, she tired of the trend and we went back to the real thing. And, for my mom, it was Perry Como for the music. Thanks for a nice trip down memory lane.

  10. I'm not old, but I used to watch Lawrence Welk reruns every weekend on PBS when I was a teen. I was very naive back then and liked the past.

    Myron Floren, the happy Norwegian. Or "Good night, good night, until we meet again - adios, au revoir, auf wiedersehen to youuu..." And the healthy wholesomeness of the whole thing and everyone in it...!

  11. ok you knowwwww I love all your pics...I am always amazed and think you really have a great eye...but the Canadian in me is just screaming out that a purple xmas tree is just sooooo wrong in sooooo many

    hee hee hee....

  12. I love retro trees. Last year I almost bought one. Each year they go up in price, so I should just take the plunge. My biggest problem? Finding room for it.

  13. Nice purple tree Rick. That's different. I have a white tree and a green tree. Black trees have become popular over here in England the last couple of years too. Not sure why. I think they look awful!


Thank you kindly.