Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dick Van Patten Honored on Palm Springs Walk of Stars

On Saturday January 12th, actor Dick Van Patten received a star on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars. It was a beautiful sunny morning in downtown Palm Springs, perfect weather for the event. The public ceremony attracted over 150 spectators and guests, and was crawling with press taking photos and filming the event. The entire Van Patten family were present: Dick and his lovely wife Pat, sons Vince Van Patten and wife actress Eileen Davidson, actor Nels Van Patten and actress wife Nancy, and actor/writer/producer Jimmy Van Patten. The Van Patten family are such wonderful people, down-to-Earth, warm and genuine. I was so pleased that we were able to honor Mr Van Patten with a star in a city he holds so dear. Dick has been coming to Palm Springs for many years, attending celebrity tennis tournaments, the Palm Springs Film Festival, charitable events and just spending time relaxing with friends in our desert. He continues to bring prominence to Palm Springs through the Dick Van Patten Celebrity Poker Tournament. As far as the ceremony yesterday, everything went very smoothly, and exactly as I had planned. Special thanks to our co-sponsors, Integrated Wealth Management and Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance Pet Food company, with whom I worked closely to pull off the day's events. My own employer, whose name is shown in the photos below was supportive in making the day a success.
The Media Frenzy

Above left: On set at CBS TV, where Dick Van Patten was interviewed by Patrick Evans. Above right: at the star dedication ceremony, we were besieged by press and paparazzi.

above: Radio personality Harrison Forbes was on site broadcasting live. He interviewed me, Deborah Gibson and Dick Van Patten, which was broadcast live in Los Angeles, San Diego and Palm Springs. I have to say, it was a thrill to be interviewed on the air live.
The Ceremony

above: Actor Tom Bosley, of Happy Days fame and desert resident speaks about his friend Dick Van Patten.

above: Crooner Jerry Vale, another resident of Palm Springs addresses the audience.

above: The fabulous and stunning actress/dancer Ruta Lee, who also lives in Palm Springs, turned up to honor her dear friend Dick.

above: Son Vince Van Patten, actor, host of the World Poker Tour, and former tennis star speaks about his dad. Brother Jimmy Van Patten also said a few words and told a great joke.
above: Dick Van Patten poses with "Blue Mews the cat" and "Red Ruff the dog" after the ceremony.
above: Following the star dedication, I hosted a private lunch reception for about 90 people to honor the great Dick Van Patten. It was held at Spencer's restaurant, in a beautiful room overlooking the tennis courts, pool and palm trees. It was stunning.
above: from left, Patricia Carr, Tom Bosley, Dick Van Patten, Pat Van Patten and Charlie Chaplin impersonator, the ambassador of Copykatz theatre in Palm Springs.

above: Celebrating with friends. left to right: John, me, Jimmy Van Patten, Jason and Jim.
above: Later that evening the Van Pattens were my guests to a party at a private estate as part of the Palm Springs Film Festival. left to right: Rick Rockhill, Dick Van Patten, Deborah (Debbie) Gibson and John. As a side note, Deborah is really sweet, and a lot of fun to hang with!

above: here it is, the newly installed star itself, all shiny and new. I was so proud of the day's events. More photos below...
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Tom Bosley...I loved both of them..I'm glad the event was an arfing success..I bet you're just sleeping it all off.

    DEBBIE GIBSON!! She has the sweetest sounding voice..even when she's just speaking!

    The flowers, the way..the arrangements...very delightful!

  2. how fun is that??? you sure do get around rick! nice, very nice...

    smiles, bee

  3. I have always heard that he is a very sweet man, and has a regular family too. I remember him on Eight is Enough and aways wished he was my dad.

  4. Sweet....I love seein' Dick on his knees. (That's bad, isn't it...sorry)

  5. You did not disappoint! I loved every moment of your coverage of this wonderful event. It was almost like being there. You looked great in all the pics, and I'm sure you were a charming host. Bravo!

  6. sounds like it was an amazing day...glad things went well for you...

    thanks for sharing the pics...

  7. Never in a million years will I be able to use the sentence, "He interviewed me, Deborah Gibson, and Dick Van Patten."

  8. Crusty- Yep, Tom Bosley is a really nice guy too, I still think of him as the Hefty bag guy!

    Bee- it was so much fun just to feel the energy of the day.

    Thanks Cheryl, I was all wound up until the moment it started, then I just relaxed and let it all happen before my eyes.

    Dana- you never know what can happen to you!!!!

  9. Hi Rick:
    I get to live vicariously through your posts. Thanks so much - great pictures, good narrative.
    You give us all a peek at events that ET or Access Hollywood barely mention.

    Keep on keeping on,

  10. Ooh, and if you're ever ON ET or Access Hollywood, say hi to us, would ya?

  11. Wow! What a wonderful experience Rick.

    Has Owen and Koshimi tried any of Van Patten's Natural Balance pet foods?

    Debbie Gibson is still a hottie!!!

  12. Great to see the pictures of Dickie and Pat and the boys!
    It sounds like it was a WONDERFUL Event Rick....! Loved ALL the pictures...especially of the Van Patten Family!
    I am going to send the Link to his sister Joyce...(She lives in New York...) Congratulations to Dickie and to you for putting on and pulling off such a terrific Event...I know these things are not easy, at all...! Bravo To You!

  13. Those were some fantastic pictures!

    You're really photogenic, Rick and VanPatten looks great especially considering his age.

  14. Did you ask Debbie Gibson what "Shake Your Love" means?

    Next time, will you ask her for me? I've been pondering it since 1987.

  15. Anne- the behind the scenes stuff are what's the bets fun!

    Dana- I'll be sure to shout out to all my friends in the blogosphere~

    Uncivil- you betcha- both Owen and Shimi LOVE Natural Balance food!

    Naomi- Many thanks, yes it went swimmingly. We missed Joyce, pity she couldn't come. I forgot to tell Pat you said hi :-(

  16. *sigh* Rick, you do have the coolest life! ;) What fun!

    P.S. I always wondered what happened to Debbie Gibson!

  17. What a great day! I loved Dick Van Patten in 8 is enough and I had a crush on Vince as a kid.
    Neat to see you with Debbie Gibson too.

  18. Round round get around Rick gets around. . . this is a great article. I feel like I am in the middle of this with you, Rick!

  19. Look at you with the rich and famous Rick!
    Lovely post mate thought I was there myself with all that detail!!

  20. Not at all sure how I found your blog, but since I'm here, thought I'd say hi.

    Plus you work for Petco and my wieners insisted I make nice with you. They love them some Petco!!


  21. C and karen- Deborah looks great and has an amazing voice- even better than in the 80's!

    tea and ebezp- good...that's exactly what I hoped this post would do, make it feellike you were right there, up close to it all. thanks for sayin' so!

  22. those Van Patten boys still look pretty good.

  23. I have a new crush on this Harrison Forbes. He's handsome! YEOW!

  24. I have a new crush on this Harrison Forbes. He's handsome! YEOW!

  25. That`s so cool Rick! I always thought the Van Pattens looked like a really nice family and I love that old show that Dick Van Patten was in....Eight is Enough.


  26. Thanks for sharing. You could get a free-lance job reporting on these events. And Ruta Lee looks really nice. Very classy event. Kudos to Petco for the partnership/sponsorship.

  27. What a great time you had and the weather was beautiful. Good to see that Dick is around. I haven't seen him in any TV or movie productions in years. Thanks for sharing the photos!


Thank you kindly.