Saturday, January 12, 2008

On This Day, January 12 1978

It was exactly thirty years ago today. January 12, 1978 was a cold snowy day in Rhode Island, and I was on my way to school when a photographer from The Observer, a local newspaper stopped to take a picture of a small group of students. I was the youngest of the group, bundled up in my Snoopy hat and scarf. I loved that scarf more than anything. My older brother Joe was standing directly behind me. I remember the photographer instructed us to "look cold". It wasn't difficult to do. The next day we made the cover of the paper, much to the delight of our family. I was thrilled to see my picture in print...

above left: The Observer newspaper cover on January 12, 1978. I was the youngest kid standing in the bottom left with my hat pulled down over my eyes. Above right: a closer photo of me. Gosh I was a cute kid!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Your moment of fame - and we can't even see your eyes! I like the newspaper headline: Too Cold!

  2. honey you are still cute too!!!

    smiles, bee

  3. too cute for words! i have pictures of my kids working a lemonade stand that made the paper. fun memories.

  4. I suppose you don't miss that cold weather anymore, do you?

  5. 1978 and you're THAT young and THAT cute? Oh my god, it's'll always be younger and cuter.

  6. Rick, the cuteness is all bundled up but it's a great photo. My sons had lots of Snoopy stuff too.

  7. Fame at last Rick! You look so cold on that photo. I bet you're glad you live in sunny Palm Springs now.

  8. A Johnny Depp moment? I see why you were hooked. (and you NAILED it--brrrrr)

  9. It's always fun to be in the paper. Could you even see with that hat covering your eyes?

    I'm thinking about you tonight at the gala.

  10. I had a snoopy hat and scarf too!

  11. Ha, someone beat me to the martini comment I see.

    But life is more exciting now ain't it? Living in Palm Springs and all and these wonderful events u get to attend.

  12. How cute!! Just think, snoopy than, martini how you've grown!!

    Great way to bring a smile to your face..a special memory from your past.

  13. nice trip down memory lane for you!

  14. see??? you were destined for fame from an early age...wtg!!! lol

  15. That explains why you moved to sunny Palm Springs!LOL

  16. Great pictures. So that was what it was like to grow up in the 70's.

  17. Hey, I was 4 in 1978 and got my picture on the front page of the newspaper too! I went roller skating with my aunt and some of the residents from a group home for mentally retarded adults where she worked.

    I was a cute kid too. Sadly, I peaked early and it all fizzled from there. :) But now I have my own cute kids.

  18. Just the beginning of your now wondrous fame. Or did it start earlier?


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