Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Saturday Seven: Reasons to Support Independent Films

As I watch the Palm Springs International Film Festival open its 19th year, I can't help but think about the many great films I've seen over the years. Many are independent films that never reach wide distribution, but they serve an important role in society, and not just for the film industry. I found this quote from the Palm Springs Film Fest website: "The Palm Springs International Film Society strives for a world in which enlightenment, knowledge and tolerance prevail. We believe film as an art form has the power to bridge cultures and illuminates the universality of the human experience" This brings me to another scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Reasons to Support Independent Films
#1 Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas.

#2 Provide hope to aspiring film makers.

#3 Serve as a training ground to the young filmmakers.

#4 Ensure freedom of speech and expression always have an outlet

#5 Allow for stories to be told without interference from big studios and public opinion focus groups

#6 Give foreign films exposure to Americans

#7 Allows unknown actors, writers, & producers to make a name for themselves.

There are thousands of women and men with the vision and a talent for making some really interesting films that are works of art. Very few ever go big and reach mainstream audiences, but they ensure that others can do so for future generations.

So, what can you do to help? Well, the best way is to go out and see independent films once in awhile, you know, the ones at the artsy theatres. Just that small step will foster the future of creativity and vision for ours and future generations.

What about you? Do you ever go see independent fims? C'mon leave a comment with your thoughts. In honor of our film festival this week, I declare that ALL COMMENTS ARE FREE TODAY!

-Rick Rockhill


  1. Steven King also supports independent film by optioning his stories to aspiring film-makers for a buck a piece.

  2. It's a shame that so many excellent films pass by undetected. I'll sometimes see a movie on TV I've never heard of (usually on at 2.30 in the morning!) and be amazed at how good it is. It must be heartbreaking to the director and actors and film crew who've spent months making a movie only to see it disappear without trace.

  3. good post, you are right. There is a cute small theatre by me that runs these kinds of films. I particularly like going to see the foreign comedies and trying to keep up with the subtitles.

  4. all excellent reasons. i am happy to say in the last few years our dinky little town got a small theater that is more about independant and foreign films than hollywood blockbusters. i've enjoyed going there very much and seeing something other than the regular fare.

  5. You are so right. Part II of my story regarding the multi-plex back in Indy: I saw my first independent film (at a theater). I loved the film, and truly wish that the lone arts theater here in town was not so far away from me.

  6. some of
    the most
    and hideous
    films i've seen are independent
    (and/or foreign)


  7. Ooooh, ooh, oooh! I just LOVE indie films! Many of my all time faves are indie and foreign films. It's amazing how many wonderful, beautiful, creative films don't get recognized or appreciated.

    Have you ever seen Lunch With Charles? Amores Perros?

    My husband likes the Hollywood blockbuster type films, while I prefer the foreign/indie type.

  8. I watch them on IFC sometimes. Usually at 3 in the morning when I can't find any nudie flicks on cable. LOL

  9. I think Indie movies need to promote themselves more! The big movies always have a big push on the net, and through sub culture networks...why not do the same?! Just a thought!

  10. /t- good point...I concur!

    Corky- the IFC is a great way to catch the indie films.

    Boy about Town- yeap, they are all so short on funding...which is why they rely on these film fests so much.

  11. I LOVE seeing all kinds of films, and particularly Independent Films...As you said Rick, one can see some astounding WONDERFUL pictures by very talented ARTISTS!
    Years ago, I was in Palm Springs during the Festival, and a Beautiful Documentary about an extremely talented Artist named MICHAEL KEARNS was being shown. He is an old friend and collegue....And he is so fantastically talented---Actor, Writer, Director, Teacher....A Gay man who happens to be HIV+ and was able to adopt a little a single parent....And he is a WONDERFUL Father, too....! The film covered quite a bit of a One-Man Show that Michael had performed on the stage---wgich he had also written, plus some fabulous interviews with him....Now, where else could one see a film like this? Mostly only other festivals...Though this film is NOW Available on VHS or DVD...!
    THRILLING to see this film in the Festival!

  12. I've seen some great films at the Palm Springs festival. And every time I hear about one "making it" it gives me a little burst of happiness.

  13. I love Indie films and I'm thrilled that for as small as my city is it still has a film festival.

  14. We are blessed to have Camelot theatres here in Palm Springs. I LOVE the movies they show there. I am a member of the Desert Film Society and I love the creative films they show.

  15. We are huge fans of independent films. And, living in Portland, has given us ample opportunity for seeing them....they're tons of neighborhood theaters. It's awesome!

  16. My friend Steve at What-do-I-know covered the Anchorage Independent Film Festival. WOW. I'll be hitting it next year (haha-- it's finals week. Maybe I'll hit it the following year? You can skip master's finals, right? ehhhh)

    I hope it's OK to share this link! He has a bunch of movie stories about this and you will like it.

    Great topic you have started. My husband had tried to get me to see indies and I was like, "If they are that good they will go mainstream." So he took me to one after i read Steve's blog. I'm hooked!

  17. Kudos PS Savant, great blog and topic. Indie films gives us raw truth and TRUE acting without all the hoopla. Boy is right about promoting; however when on a budget one can only do what one can. Thank goodness for film fests!

  18. The Seattle International Film Festival, (SIFF) is the largest film festival in the USA. It will run May22-June 16 this year. We LOVE and SUPPORT our indy, forein films,and documentares here. I can't imagine, nor want to live in a world with just corporate film businesses producing our art. ICK.

  19. Entertainment and growth of the arts--what more can we ask of this subset of the cinema?

  20. Supporting young film makers and giving them a voice is important...


Thank you kindly.