Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wisdom Wednesdays: Featuring Dr Sidney Wang

ASK DR WANG, the psychic betta fish

This week's e-mail is from Frank in Rolling Meadows, NY. Frank writes:

Hi Dr Wang,

I'm engaged to a really sweet girl who is very religious and has been "saving herself" until we are married. I have been OK with this because I suffer from erectile dysfunction. The problem is I have not told her this, in hopes that I can fix the problem. Our wedding is just six months away and I am still having problems getting the old boy to stand at attention. I have hinted around with her about this and she laughs it off and tells me she will make it work. Believe me, if I could, it would be working now.

Wilted, Frank

Dr Wang responds: Dear Frank,

I'm sure it was hard for you to write this e-mail. By that I mean the act of admitting it was hard, not "it" was hard. There is a fundamental issue at stake of open, honest communication, which you must deal with. The Great Bubble Wall indicates that there are some issues hidden deep within that you must confront before you complete your nuptials. It appears that you have a fear of intimacy, even with yourself. You are wound up as tight as a clam in at low tide. I suggest that you get some counselling to explore this issue.

I also recommend that you buy an aquarium and buy some tropical fish to breed. It is a long held belief that fish bring good luck and fortune. Be sure to buy a male and a female fish, and let nature take it's course. This coupled with the counselling, you will overcome this problem before your wedding and you shall shrink no longer.

keep swimming upstream -Dr Wang

"Wisdom Wednesdays" features the sage advice of our resident oracle, psychic betta fish "Dr Sidney Wang". Believed to be a reincarnated descendant of King Rama II of Siam, Dr Wang responds to e-mail submissions with advice, predictions of the future and conveys ancient proverbs to provide guidance and support. Dr Sidney Wang's 24 Hour Wisdom, Advice and Inspiration service is also available from the left side navigation for this feature.


  1. Dear PSS. Can you fill us in about the history of King Rama II of Siam? :D

  2. Dear Dr. Wang.
    Why "only" a male and female fish?

  3. That's one smart fish you've got there...

  4. hmmmmm normally I agree completely with Dr Wang...but don't you think maybe a visit to a medical doctor might also be in order??

    No worries, I still love you Dr are the cat's meow...

    hee hee hee

  5. Just what this guy needs--a woman with absolutely no experience!

    It's like he can't get his car to start, so he gets a tow truck driver with no experience to take the car to a mechanic with no experience...

    I'm not saying he should marry a bordello madam, but--hey, wait, maybe he should...


Thank you kindly.