Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Learn to Speak Chinese with Dr Wang

With the Chinese New Year fast approaching, Dr Sidney Wang has prepared an easy, introductory lesson for you to learn to speak a few basic Chinese phrases in just five minutes. Dr Wang suggests that you speak the phonetics translation aloud to help you understand these phrases.
Phonetics English

Hello: knee how

What is your name?: neen gway shing

Yes: shr

No: boo shr

Thank you: sheh sheh

You are welcome: boo yong sheh

I don't understand: wore ting boo dong
And here are some other useful phrases: (THESE PHRASES BELOW NEED TO BE READ ALOUD)

Are you harboring a fugitive? - Hu Yu Hai Ding?
See me A.S.A.P. - Kum Hia Nao

Stupid Man - Dum Gai

Small horse - Tai Ni Po Ni

Young Man Whose name I forgot.- Sum Yung Gai
Did you go to the beach? - Wai Yu So Tan?

I bumped into a coffee table. - Ai Bang Mai Ni

I think you need a facelift. - Chin Tu Fat

It's very dark in here. - Wai So Dim?

Has your flight been delayed? - Hao Long Wei Ting?

That was an unauthorized execution. - Lin Ching

I thought you were on a diet. - Wai Yu Mun Ching?

This is a tow away zone. - No Pah King

Do you know the lyrics to the Macarena? - Wai Yu Sing Dum Song?

You are not very bright. - Yu So Dum

I got this for free. - Ai No Pei

I am not guilty. - Wai Hang Mi?

Please, stay a awhile longer. - Wai Go Nao?

Our meeting was scheduled for next week. - Wai Yu Kum Nao

They have arrived. - Hia Dei Kum

Stay out of sight. Lei Lo

He's cleaning his automobile - Wa Shing Ka

What is that smell? - Yu Stin Ki Pu


  1. Dr. Wang has a wonderful sense of humor. These are all too doggone funny!

  2. Do you think I can actually master this by the end of the day? I mean, I'm an old guy, remember.

  3. You're very very funny.
    Dui bu qi, wo bu dong.
    Dài huì ér jiàn, Rick!

  4. Neen gway schwing will also get you a lot of phone numbers on Santa Monica Boulevard.

  5. LOL! Wise and has a sense of humor. What a great fish!

    Of course since I am a huge Browncoat (Firefly fan) I already know how to swear a little in Mandarin.

  6. Oh my gosh - I laughed until I cried. Sometimes bad humor is just the thing...

  7. At first I was very excited-I thought-Yes! Now I'll be able to understand a bit of what my neighbor yells at 2am...

    But the laughter is better. The last one cracks me up...

  8. I love stuff like this, thanks for the cheap laugh this morning. Even my kids got a kick out of them

  9. LOL!!! This is hilarious!

    Gung Hey Fat Choy, Rick and Dr. Wang! ;)


Thank you kindly.