Sunday, February 17, 2008

On Air with Syndicated Radio Host Harrison Forbes

On Saturday I was a guest on the popular syndicated radio show "Pet Talk, with Harrison Forbes". Harrison was broadcasting live from the Global Pet Expo at the San Diego Convention Center. I last did the Pet Talk show back on January 12th when Harrison broadcast live from Palm Springs to cover the Dick Van Patten star dedication on the Palm Springs Walk of Stars. During my segment on Pet Talk yesterday, we discussed how to choose a pet food and some of the special nutritional needs that dogs and cats have. (Photo above left: me during the live broadcast on Pet Talk with Harrison Forbes) In particular we discussed specialized needs of large breed dogs for hip and joint health. Harrison does a great job keeping the show interesting and relevent to his listeners. Harrison has been a dog trainer and behaviorist for over 20 years and has trained over 600 police dogs across the country. He is presently writing a book called The Leash That Binds, due to be published later. this year by St Martin's Press. If you live in the Los Angeles or San Diego area markets, check out Harrison's radio show. Photo above left: headshot of Harrison Forbes, pet expert and rising star in radio and TV.
Three Cute Pugs...

above: I saw these three super cute Pugs who were having so much fun together yesterday I just had to take their photo!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Harrison would look fabulous on TV!
    Those pugs are adorable. (And I usually don't care for pugs,all black is a good look for them.

  2. Now that you are a radio star can I have your autograph? And now that I have buttered you up do you have Hunky Harrison's phone number? :)

  3. Sweet!!!!

    Of course I love the pugs!!!!! (being a pug owner myself!)

  4. Not only does Harrison sound fabulously knowledgeable of pets, but oooh, so HOT too!

  5. HA, at first I thought you said, SUPER CUTE PIGS!! I'm slow, I know.

    Okay, I am happily married, and would never ever cheat, but I have to say, Mr. Harrison Forbes, you are easy on the eyes!!

    Happy Weekend!
    Any good martini's this weekend?? :)

  6. Thanks for telling me about Dickie....I love Dickie! He is such a positive spirit in so many ways....! I bet you had a wonderful time with him....!
    The radio show sounds like it is fun to do, Ric....I almost never listen to the radio necauseI cannot get good reception on my hill, no matter what I do....So, I gave up on it. I will look for him on TV, though.

  7. Look at you all radio-cool in your headphones!! :D

    And who can resist a sweet little pug face???


  8. Cute pugs and the guys aren't bad either! That includes YOU! ;)

  9. Awwwww the pugs are soooo cute...makes me wanna snuggle with


Thank you kindly.