Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Travel Treasures

After a two week hiatus, the Sunday Art Review returns to it's place as a weekly feature on this blog. The Sunday Art Review is an unpretentious presentation of various forms of art I have discovered. I often focus on art in and around the Palm Springs area, but during my travels if I see something that catches my eye, I try to photograph it for inclusion in this weekly post. I rarely remember to document the title or name of the artist, and for this I apologize. I hope you find some enjoyment in the works I share each week. At the left is a bronze statue of a nude woman. She is a permanent exhibit in the lobby at the Waldorf=Astoria Hotel in New York. I particularly like this piece, it is very expressive and sensual yet at the same time quite tasteful. I call her "Sophie".

After New York, my travels eventually brought me back to California; I flew directly into the San Diego airport, where I found the following three paintings on exhibit in a row. They are clearly a collection, meant to be viewed together for full effect. Therefore I will refrain from any remarks after each-other than to say that I love the vibrant colors and geometric shapes. Enjoy...

-Rick Rockhill


  1. My sister has a couple of pictures that she did like that hanging at my parent's house. They're pretty cool.

  2. Sophie is pretty...The Nashville ariport has an art gallery...Not all the stuff on exhibit is really that good, but it's a start.

    Sophie fits the feel of the Waldorf! I can *so* see that!


  3. Love the art. Sophie is beautiful. Nice art for an airport, too. I like when public art is good art.

  4. Those paintings are certainly vibrant...I think if I had to look at them too long they would make my head

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. The primary colors are beautiful! that's the type of art I love! Like you said, vibrant! I'd put this type of art on the walls of my sons rooms, diverse, but colorful, with different meanings..
    earth, sun and water seems to me, or my son would say, Jupiter, Saturn, and Space with Space being the first picture.



Thank you kindly.