Thursday, February 7, 2008

A Visit to The Chateau Marmont in Hollywood

Recently I spent some time in Los Angeles visiting a famous author-friend of mine who was staying at the legendary Chateau Marmont hotel in Hollywood. The Chateau is nestled in the hillside on Sunset Boulevard and drips of history. The hotel was originally modeled after a French Royal residence, and has an old world feeling to it. From the moment you drive up the hill and pull into the enclosed garage, you step back in time. The Chateau has so much character and interesting furnishings. After I snapped these photos I was informed that "there is no photography permitted at the Chateau". The hotel is a hideaway for visiting celebrities and local Hollywood moguls who want to escape for a power lunch. Check out these fun photos:
above: the vaulted ceiling in the courtyard has incredible detail.
above: the lobby area is the perfect spot for afternoon tea
above: I love this wall fountain with the lion's head.

above: the property has some wonderful areas to relax and catch some delicious Hollywood sunshine

above: lush gardens and foliage surround the pool patio area.

above: the property has some really cool passage ways through well trimmed plants.
above: my famous author friend was staying in one of the exclusive bungalows. It had so much character!

above: this water feature was a nice unexpected touch near the bungalows

above: the secluded courtyard was a perfect place for us to relax, sip champagne and enjoy a bite of lunch. It was a great experience and a nice way to spend a day in Hollywood in style.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I will dream tonight about a sip of tea there with my lover, sun kissing her blonde hair. Ummmm

  2. That's it-- I'm taking all my kids and coming down to visit you. We'll be on your doorstep in oh-- 12 hours. Make it lunch for 11 Ricky Baby! LOL

    Those pictures are a vacation unto themselves. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I could use a stay there right about now!

  4. Sooooo gorgeous! Did you see LiLo? ;)

  5. I can't believe they let you snap all these photos before saying something to you. Amazing.

    Amazing place, too.

  6. Wonderful pictures, Rick. Thanks for sharing them, even though they had a "rule"

    It's not like you took a pic of a celebrity sunning by the pool. Some rules should be amended to say "Pictures without people in them are allowed." LOL


  7. Beautiful pictures! Those courtyard ceilings are lovely. :)

  8. I'm glad you took a few photos before they boorishly told you to put away the camera (even though I understand why, but still...)

  9. The photos are all too appealing after the snow storm we had yesterday. The grounds are well landscaped. Thanks for warming me up!

  10. Looks peaceful! Sure beats TN right now!

  11. lucky you! I would love to go there maybe one day we can meet up for a drink :)

  12. It's great to see these pictures of The Chateau....It's been a very long time since I was there....A Good friend used to stay there ALL the time when she was in L.A. to work in a film or a TV Show....! As you said....It has such History....There was a time when it fell out of fashion but then, like ALL great places, it came back "in", Big Time, and has remaine so now for many many years....It looks like you had a grand time, Rick...(Why do I have the feeling that I know the 'famous writer' you were visiying with....?)

  13. Okay, spill it. Who's the famous author?

    Great pics, by the way.


  14. holy hanna...hard to imagine seeing a place like this..amazing pics....

    all there is to see here is snow, snow and more snow..lmao.

  15. Wonderful photos. Curious now about the 'famous writer' but understand some information is best kept private.

  16. Glad you got these shots before they said something! What a beautiful place.

  17. Through no fault of the hoteliers, but--so many celebrities have croaked there I would be worried my room would smell like formaldehyde.

    Come to think of it, that would be a great place for an undertakers convention, huh??

  18. I heard a really fantastic ghost story involving one of the cottages there. The one that John Belushi died in.


Thank you kindly.