Monday, May 12, 2008

Farewell to Shannon

Please take a moment to check this out and say a prayer for my friend Shannon's family at this difficult time.
Thank you :-(


  1. That first picture of you with her - you just posted that a few weeks ago, didn't you? How sad that she was taken from your lives.

  2. Songbird- yes, sadly that is the same girl. It just reinforces how precious life is and how we never know what's in store for us.

  3. My condolences to you. It's so sad when someone leaves too early.
    May you have many wonderful memories.

  4. Rick I am so very sorry that you lost your friend and that the world lost such a lovely woman. Her family is in my prayers...

  5. I am so sorry..
    she was so young... and well I am just so sorry..

    I hope you're doing okay.

  6. Thanks so much Rick for setting up the blog in her memory.

    I can't seem to stop thinking of her. I go back repeatedly to see what new has been said.

    When I go the news I tried to find a picture of her, but couldn't. It is such a comfort to see that smile again.

    I look forward to seeing you at her memorial.

    Tom Hauck

  7. I am so very sorry for the loss of your friend. I hope her family is finding peace in this terrible time.


Thank you kindly.