Thursday, May 15, 2008

Poolside Perspectives

Poolside Perspectives...
It was such a beautiful day I decided to spend some time by the pool to relax. My camera is never far away, so I took these photos after being inspired by some interesting shadows and light effects.

above: I like the ripple of the water and the shadows of the side of the pool.

above: I love the contrast of the shadow from the shade structure and the palm leaves next to the pool.

above: this one stray palm frond extended over the side of the pool, peeking out and casting a shadow.

I hope you enjoyed these "poolside perspective" photos, I found them soothing at a time when I needed to be comforted.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Ummmm, water! Nothing calms me as much as being in the water. Loved the shots!

  2. I loved your poolside pics. Very nice, very soothing too.

  3. i am always looking for shadows to photograph! i loved these rick...

    smiles, bee

  4. Water is my peacemaker...


  5. I love water in all its forms, and pools are no exception.

  6. Hugs to you, Rick! I hope you are comforted! These photos are almost surreal-- like I can put my hand through my monitor and dive into your pool! I can almost feel that warm sunshine and cool water!

  7. knock down a mojito for Madame x while you are poolside

  8. Glad you found some peace and comfort.

  9. I'm glad you took time for yourself and sat by the pool. The pictures are gorgeous (as usual).

    If it were warm here I'd go for a walk, but it's kind of cool and overcast. So instead, I am comforting myself with a cosmo.

    I figure I'm "talking" to you right now, so that makes it okay that no one else is here. :)


Thank you kindly.