Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rick's Roadshow: Leicestershire England

Yesterday I traveled north to Leicestershire for a private visit to Belvoir Castle, the ancestral home of the Duke and Duchess of Rutland. Belvoir Castle (actually pronounced like "beaver" castle has been the home to Rutlands since 1509, and is quite a remarkable castle. I had a full private tour of the castle, including the historic rooms not typically open for viewing, as well as some of the private apartments of the Duke and Duchess. I thought it would be tacky to take photos of their home, so I refrained from snapping my camera. But I did take a few just before I left for the day. Here I am standing next to an armour display. His Grace and Her Grace the Duke and Duchess were most kind to open their home to us. While their castle is available for some public tours, and even for things like weddings, they are most particular about who they allow into the private areas.
The Castle..

above: I did not take these two photos, as it was too difficult for my camera to get the entire castle, so I borrowed these from the internet. (All the rest of the photos below I took myself). While in the castle I saw several especially intresting rooms, including the Guardroom, The Ballroom, State Rooms, the Portraint Gallery, The Libraries, the chapen anf the King's bedrooms. The Duke and Duchess have domestic staff, but they also have private areas and a private kitchen as well.

above: the detail of the exterior is marvelous, with very typical English and French influences throughout.
above: I look like an ant in front of these entrance doors tothe castle

above left: The Duchess keeps peacocks on the grounds of the estate. above right: from the castle, way up high, an incredible view of their property.

above: Inside the main hall at the entrance was just spectacular

above left: We enjoyed a glass of wine by this massive fireplacem, which was warm and cozy. above right: the entire castle has wonderful portraits and art throughout. I didn't take any photos of the gallery room, with some amazing paintings.

above: The old bell system, used to call the staff. There are individual bell boxes for each room, such as this one which reads: "His Grace's Bedroom". above right: another view of the entrance staircase. It was a truly memorable day in the English countryside. My sincere thanks to the Duke and Duchess, their home is simpky incredible. Tomorrow I spend the day in Grantham, and the Lesicestershire area. Hop to see you again soon!

-Rick Rockhill


  1. Can we talk about the heating bill??? LOL! Magnificwnt Castle! My Lordy....but all I could think of is HOW DO THEY KEEP IT WARM?
    I know, Fires in The Fireplace! (lol)
    You are having a GREAT Trip, Rick!

  2. Wow! Am I jealous right now?! LOL! Wonderful photos, Rick! I just love castles and their history. Each castle holds its own story. Remarkable, really!

    You look dashing next to that knight's armor!

    BTW, some linky love for you over here --> http://lifeonmanitoulin.blogspot.

  3. Seriously, thanks for sharing all this.

  4. Belvoir - "beautiful to see" indeed. I got all castled out on my Christies course though, making visits to private stately homes and being more fascinated by signs of mundane life like dry cleaning in the hall, or a box of tissues on the TV than the 17th century Reynolds above it or the Japanese cabinet in the corner...!

  5. I've said it before, but it bears repeating: you move in the most fascinating circles.

  6. an English castle? you have an amazing life Rick, really.

  7. I cannot fathom that people actually still live in these wonderful places!


Thank you kindly.