Saturday, May 24, 2008

Rick's Roadshow: Nuremberg, Germany

Yesterday after I finished a busy day attending the trade show, I decided to get out and explore Nuremberg on foot. I started in the old part of city, which has a medieval wall around the area where the Nuremberg Castle is located. For those of you interested in the details, Nuremberg is in the state of Bavaria, within an area known as Middle Franconia. The old city has the feel of a true German village, with charming buildings situated along the riverbed. I especially liked the beautiful architecture, cobble stone streets, churches and statues wherever you turn. As I walked around, I couldn't help but think about all of the history that this city has seen. A history that included great power and also great evil as well. Many historic moments within Europe and Germany have occurred here, which make Nuremberg a fascinating place to visit.

above: "Sankt Lozenz Kirche" is a beautiful cathedral in the city.
Beautiful Architecture in Arches...check out this series of three archways, look closely at the detail if you can.

And a bit of old world charm...

Above: There's nothing like a Bratwursthausle for a bite to eat.

above: I just thought this little piggy was so cute I had to take a photo. It was at the counter of a local coffee shop. It made me smile, so I decided to share it with you. Stop back again tomorrow for some more photos of Nuremberg, where I will take you on a lovely tour of the main square in town.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I'm afraid I could not travel in Germany. The History---Particulaly WW2 and what the Nazis did to The Jews and so many other minorities just makes actually being there where these things happened impossible for me.I cannot even imagine it. I feel bad that THAT is how I feel, but, it is almost a physical thing. It makes me sick to think about being there.

    I'm glad you are showing us the places and cities you are experiencing, Rick. I would not see them otherwise.

  2. Trinkeld biszum umfallen!

    What? I dunno, that's what the piggy said.

  3. I do understand why my friend is dying to go back home to Germany. I understand how Naomi feels too. Germany must be allowed to outlive its history, just as the U.S. must.

  4. Hey..I'm playing catch up!!! What great shots. How's the food??? I love that piggy! I used to collect pigs.....Have a safe trip!

  5. I love the photos! You have such an eye for what to share! Thanks for the tour.
    Enjoy your trip!

  6. rick, lovely! and i was not mugged, i was robbed. what happened was i was paying in a gift shop in that very spot with a hundred euro note and she gave me change for a ten. i told her it was a hundred, i know this because it was my first purchase and i only had three bills, all hundred euros. well, she would not give and i lost the argument. people were looking at me like "oh there is the bad american trying to rip off this poor lovely little shopkeeper" so i left and never went back to nuremburg. in the end it has certainly been their loss i think. but the rest of germany i loved...

    smiles, bee

  7. Lovely pictures, Rick. Just lovely.

    My sister used to live near there when her hubby was in the army, but all I ever saw were countryside photos.

  8. Hi Rick...I've just caught up on your roadshow. You're so fortunate to be able to travel like you do. I've loved all the pictures of the places you've stayed at. The castle was beyond amazing.

  9. Wow, see the difference in architecture from the northern style in Bremen? I much prefer the southern Bavarian style, but then it is probably more quintessentially German in my mind.

  10. I just love cathedrals! Thanks for the photos.


Thank you kindly.