Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cowardly Bloggers...

Cowards. The one type of person I universally loathe. Why? Oh, for lots of reasons I suppose. But for the purpose of today's post I'll focus on the "Anonymous Coward". It's a person who posts a comment without a screen name or uses a dummy name. I try to keep my blog easy to use and don't require users to be registered to leave a comment. But when someone feels compelled to express an opinion about a topic, even if it is contrary to my opinion I expect the person to leave their comment as a registered user. If someone wants to leave mean comments without using their account name, I just delete it. So easy to do and so dismissive of the cowardly blogger. So if you know any cowardly bloggers, do tell them to get some courage and start commenting with an account name and e-mail. Have you ever encountered the Anonymous Coward on your blog? Anyway that's all for now. I think I'll go play with my beautiful new poodle puppy.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Cowards are all around us. I personally like to call them 'asshats'. :)
    Some people aren't happy unless they're making everyone else unhappy. Banishment for cowards!!!

  2. i have no use for the anonymous pot stirrers. it is indeed very cowardly.

  3. I do so very much agree with you -and the other commenters here about cowardly commenters! I can understand if they are genuinely interested in commenting and don't have a blog and those few who do that, always sign something (like their first name or a screen name) at the bottom of their comment then so I have a clue, at least, as to who it was that visited. But the rest -I just consider them as spam and I think we all do the same with spam, don't we? DEEP SIX it!
    Now, go play with that beautiful puppy! I am soooo envious of you and your pets.

  4. i do get one once in awhile and i usually blog about it! i could make it so no anonymous commenters are allowed but don't bother. when one really ticks me off i copy the comment and post it and just do what you did rick!

    smiles, bee

  5. I HATE anonymous cowards! If you feel so strongly about something Sign your name... heck, it doesn't have to be your name, just ANY name...

  6. Sure I get them... I find it easiest to handle them by ingnoring and deleting.

  7. Who was mean to you? I want to know so I can go kick their butt. You're one of the nicest bloggers ever who doesn't really post anything that would warrant a mean comment. So...those people are just mean hearted and yucky.

    Seriously-I AM Italian. :)

  8. That's the nice thing about comment moderation; you can delete as you see fit! Still, it can be a bit disconcerting.

    That reminds me, I should turn comment moderation back on with my blog...

    Enjoy your lil poodle and I will (in my gentle way) remind the cowardly bloggers..they shouldn't get mad if I remove a comment, it's my blog..so I totally agree with you!


  10. I allow anonymous comments on my weblog, but the anonymous commenter doesn't deserve as much respect as the ones who identify themselves. Still, I would delete anonymous comments only for the same reasons I might delete signed comments: spam, accidental repeat, nonsense.

    Isn't there a way on blogspot to simply block anonymous comments?

  11. UGH. I know what you mean. I had a stalker..A person that I thought was my friend that went all bioled bunny on me.
    Suddenly, after I took her off my list, I was getting comments that were less then positive. Of course, there was no name. She even went so far as to slag me on her blog...
    That being said, I haven't changed mt format for leaving comments. I hope that I don't have to.

  12. I get them from time to time as well, but it's pretty rare.

    Found you from Rhodester's blog.


Thank you kindly.