Monday, June 9, 2008

Poker Night in Palm Springs

Saturday night was "poker night" which meant an evening of fun and frivolity. We usually rotate who hosts poker night, just to keep things interesting. We always start out with cocktails. This past occasion we had Rum with Pomegranate juice served on the rocks. It was wickedly delicious, and I could feel those powerful antioxidants hard at work fighting free radicals in my body. We mustn't have any free radicals, now must we? Our friend's home has high ceilings with very large art, which I tried to show in this photo without making me too tiny! Here I am sipping a nice refreshing beverage to start off the evening. You can see that this was a very spontaneous photo, not posed at all ;-)

above: the round dinner table was set for eight with these fun place cards...

above left: My poker chip set...I got right down to business. above right: I bought some new cards in London at Harrod's. They have British Monarchs on them, which was fun. Since we are a group of eight, we play with four decks.
above: the game got underway and soon we were focused on those precious chips....ah how I love the chips. Unfortunately I didn't win a single hand. No matter, a good time was had by all.

-Rick Rockhill


  1. Even when you play poker you do it with elegance Rick! :) Those cards you bought in London are small art pieces...

  2. I love those cards you got at Harrod's.

    Big art is an understatement. wow!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, Rick. We have some mutual friends, such as Odat and Empress Bee.

  3. Hi, Rick! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yes, I am 'real' and online friends of Bee 'n Charlie. I stop by and visit your blog, too. It is always fun making new online friends!

  4. Poker with place cards. Amazing, Rick. Everything with panache.

  5. Excellent! I love the cards; that joker is a work of art.

  6. Rum with Pomegranate juice? That sounds fab! I want one!

  7. Those cards are cool! If you have a William the Conqueror, he's an ancestor of mine.

  8. I ain't never done played poker before.

  9. Just catching up on your London visit. So glad you enjoyed it. AND you spent a delicious time at one of my favourite places in London to people watch.

    Next time you visit, get out of London. Visit Amberley Castle nr Arundel in Sussex. High tea is divine...

  10. Rick, you are so cute! Will you marry me?

    Seriously, you have the most fun! I'm going to hop on a plane and come play with you.


  11. You even play poker with style!

    I like that you included that great picture of yourself in your header. :-)

  12. FUN! Your friend is a man after my own heart, he decorates and themes his gatherings!

  13. Boy, you really do it up on poker night!!! What did you have, a five course dinner?????? hehe.
    Love the cards......

  14. Awwww ss you didn't win at all but glad you had fun. It sounds like it was a blast.

  15. It's the greatest that you had place cards. Love 'em! Glad you had fun. I wish I knew how to play poker. There's a girl's group here in Boston and they play every week. Would be fun.

  16. That's some impressive looking poker game, Rick!

    I'm a horrible poker player. Perhaps it's because A) I don't have a poker face or B) I totally don't get the rules.

    My brother taught me how to play on the way to the casino!! When we got there, I had a kick@$$ hand, but didn't realize it. My brother was shaking his head at me. That was the last time he ever took me to play poker! LOL!


Thank you kindly.