Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Saturday Seven: Things Named Sierra

I returned home from my two day business trip to the Pacific Northwest and it was quite HOT in Southern California. The high temperatures prompted me to crack open a nice cold bottle of Sierra Nevada Pale Ale beer. So I sat with John, Koshimi and Owen and enjoyed a cold beer on a warm evening. As I sat enjoying my cold beer, I stared at the label on the bottle and started thinking about how delicious and refreshing the bottle of Sierra Nevada was. As I studied the label closely I realized for the first time that there was a drawing of what I assumed were the Sierra Nevada mountains. So I decided to do a Google search to see what came up under "Sierra". This brings me to another scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Things Named Sierra

#1 Sierra Mist Soda

#2 Sierra Nevada-California Yosemite Park

#3 Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in Andes Colombia
#4 Jessica Sierra
#5 Sierra Bullets
#6 The Sierra Club

#7 Sierra Denali truck
Are there any other things named Sierra that come to mind that I've missed? Care to comment on things on this list?
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Nothing comes to mind but I am craving a Sierra Navada right now.

  2. An Aussie tourist was in the hotel bar the other night drinking **shudder** BUDWEISER. I suggested he try a Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. He politely declined. I offered one on the house - he accepted.

    He had about four more after that one, and thanked me as he stumbled up to his room.

    A day later he passed through the lobby and stopped to tell me that Sierra Nevada was now the beer of his choice, and how he hoped he could get it once he was home. I hoped he could too.

  3. why yes rick! our cabin is named "sierra vista"...

    smiles, bee

  4. Popular in Europe, the old Ford Sierra from the 80s, now favored in racing:

    Ford Sierra Cosworth

  5. Well, there is a street right here in West Hollywood called, SIERRA BONITA! My dear friend Hanna, who just died a few weeks ago lived on that street for 46 years!

  6. Oh, and did you say, SIERRA MADRE? Remember the film, "Ther Treasure Of The Dierra Madre"?

  7. There were a lot of Sierra somethings in Tucson. Everything was called Sierra -something-.

  8. "Sierra" a very popular Spanish word meaning "mountain chain." But it really really means SAW, as in the wood-chopping tool. I know, useless fact # 4,567 brought by yours truly.


Thank you kindly.