Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday Art Review: British Royalty

The Sunday Art Review resumes after a brief hiatus during my recent worldwide travels. Inspired by my time spent in England, the theme of this week's Sunday Art Review is British Royalty. Perhaps one of my all time favorite paintings is this one of a young Queen Elizabeth II, by Pietro Annigoni. Painted in 1960, this work famously reflected the optimism of the new Elizabethan era and the promise that a youthful monarch brought to her subjects. This image was also used in a number of official government publications, including use on the British currency (pound), although her image on the currency has since been updated several times to reflect her current age.

above: another portrait of the young Queen Elizabeth II

above: Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh, who is Consort to Queen Elizabeth II

above: a more recent portrait, from 2007

above: King George VI, the father of Queen Elizabeth II
above: Elizabeth, the Queen Consort to King George VI. She was also known as the Queen Mum, mother of Queen Elizabeth II
above: King George V, father of George VI and grandfather to Queen Elizabeth II
above: Queen Victoria, great-great grandmother to the Queen Elizabeth II
above: Queen Elizabeth I the last monarch from the Tudor dynasty. She was no direct relation to Elizabeth II, who is from the House of Windsor.
I hope you enjoyed this week's Sunday Art Review of British Royalty.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I like the men's uniforms and medals!

  2. Awesome pics...picked a great day to stop in and say hi. Hope you don't mind if I sit a spell and get caught up on everything I have missed... been a long 2 months and I am still trying to get back on track.

    I promise not to fill your comment box with too

  3. nice twist for the sunday art review, especially after your london trip. fun stuff today.

  4. interesting how the styles both of clothes and paintings change over the years. thanks for sharing:)

  5. The Queen was quite lovely in her we all were:)

  6. honestly, i hope the modern portraits are little less stuffy.

    thanks for sharing!

  7. You open my world for me. I'm fascinated with the English Royalty.

  8. Monarchies in general are very very interesting. These British queens have good long lifespans. The current queen is already in her 80s and still in tip top shape! Remember how long her mother lived? DAMN!

  9. Amazing portraits of the royals.. when do you sit for yours?

  10. I'd much prefer to only be painted instead of phtographed. Paintings make a subject much more flattering and appealing than photography (without a good dose of Photoshop) can.**

    **Unless you're the subject of Salvador Dali. In which case, you'll always look like you're melting.

  11. I've always admired Elizabeth II's portraits. She was picturesque in her youth. I believe the Annigoni one was partially painted by my uncle the artist, he did get around. I remember hearing stories about it.

  12. The Queen looks so serene and beautiful in those paintings.


Thank you kindly.