Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Burgers in Perspective

With the July 4th holiday just around the corner, it seemed appropriate to chose a quintessential American icon as this week's inspiration for Sunday Art Review: Burgers in Perspective. The concept of hamburgers came from the Germans, in the city of Hamburg (not surprisingly). The great American Hamburger first appeared on menus as early as 1836, but the cheeseburger wasn't born until 1924 in Pasadena California. I can't say that I eat many cheeseburgers anymore, although in my younger days it was a favorite. Nowadays if I want a burger, I'll usually make a turkey burger on the grill with all the fixin's. So whether you eat hamburgers, cheeseburgers, veggieburgers or none at all, I hope you enjoy today's Sunday Art Review.

above: Cat and Burger

above: "Burger Board"

above: "Burgers n' Smokes"

above: "Cow Burger"

above" Retro Burgers"

above: "Cheeseburger Madness"
Maybe some other week I can feature "fries"...
-Rick Rockhill


  1. What a great tribute. Now, off to eat cow.

  2. I didnt realise there was so much buger art around!

  3. that does make me feel like summer. Time to fire up the grill.

  4. We've been known to drive 3 hours just to try a cheeseburger!


  5. Burger art! :)

    very creative :D

  6. Can't wait for Fries Day...

  7. I'm quite fond of Cat and Burger.....


Thank you kindly.