Thursday, July 10, 2008

An Afternoon at the Ball Park

Yesterday I went to see the San Diego Padres take on the Florida Marlins at the ball park named after the company I work for. (you, know "where the pets go"). It was a day game, and I was in our company box, with several of our vendors. It was a beautiful day to be out watching baseball- 80 degrees, no humidity and plenty of sunshine. This has not been a great season for our Padres, they are in last place for the western division, with just 36 wins and 56 losses. It wasn't a spectacular game but we all had a fun time.

above: I took this photo while walking down the stairs of a nearby parking garage. I just like the view of the park from between the two buildings.

above: I love this photo because we have palm trees along the edge of the ball park.

above: In case you still didn't guess the name of the park, here it is on the scoreboard.

This Caught My Eye...

above: I was walking back up the stairs of the parking garage, and on the 7th floor looked out over the railing at the apartment building and saw this little puppy running around the apartment. In the photo above you can see him in the lower left hand corner, standing on his back two legs, sniffing at the plant.

above: then a moment later he ran away and came back with his teddy bear, which he shook violently in his mouth. I just had to snap these photos. It made me wonder what Sheldon was into...Anyway I had a nice afternoon downtown, it was a nice break from the hectic pace at work.

-Rick Rockhill


  1. I loved reading this post Rick. It is so fascinating to read about other peoples lives and Blogging is the best thing ever!

    That apartment looks smart but if it can be seen so easily from a public stairway I couldn't ever imagine living there and feeling comfortable. The puppy is cute, I thought he was gonna pee in the plant though!

  2. i m giggling at the puppy pics.
    "the secret life of pets!"

  3. looks like so much fun!

    smiles, bee

  4. I miss seeing a Padres game in the company box. I still rock my SD hard hat every once in a while...

  5. I used to live in San Diego near that stadium back before companies would invest in them and get their name plastered everywhere. It was named after some sports writer. I had transferred while in the navy from San Francisco, where I lived near Candlestick Park, which is now Starbucks Park, or Yahoo Park, or something like that.

    Did I tell you I'm buying the little ballpark in that field over by the Library in Palm Springs? "RhodesTer Park" has a nice ring to it, don't you think? I'll let you throw out the first pitch of the season.. we may have as many as eight people there, so dress up!

  6. I want to install a puppy cam so I can watch Lita all day...but alas I will give her privacy.

  7. awwwww! cute puppy!

  8. I don't know why, but those gargantuan billboards creep me out.

    I think it is sweet that you noticed the puppy-- there is life going on all around you and you see it. So many people wouldn't notice it at all.

  9. Reminds me of the book "What Pets Do While You're At Work"

  10. Sounds like a great day. :-)

    I love the puppy pics!

  11. 80 degrees with no humidity sounds perfect!

    Those are great pics of the puppy, and such a showhome apartment too.

    One time, when we had a house in London, my mother was parking by the side of the house when she saw our dog Brandy peeping at her through the second landing window - he had been upstairs! This is significant because whenever we went out, she would put a gate up to keep him in the front hall and out of the rest of the house. Brandy, however, being a Springer Spaniel, was a great jumper and we have a photo of him in midair over the gate, curly ears a flapping blur above his head. So anyway, she marched into the house ready to tell him off, but when she got inside there he was standing in the hallway (on the right side of the gate, mind) giving her big innocent eyes, as if to say, Hello Mummy, I was good while you were away.

  12. Crazy question.
    My BFF from high school worked at (where the pets go) in San Diego, (not at a store, but in a sounds like you capacity)...would you have known a lot of those folks, I wonder if you know her??? Which would be one of those crazy "it's a small world" moments!

  13. I could look at baseball lawns all day! Mowing them like the big leagues do is an art form. Someday I'd like to see one of my lawn designs mowed into the big leagues. Ah, dreams.


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