Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Bucket List

Recently I saw The Bucket List, a film starring two great actors, Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Depending on your point of view on life and how you deal with things, you could find this film somewhat depressing, or very inspiring. I found it to be the latter- in fact, it really made me think about life. I won't go into the whole storyline, but it is about two very different men who are both diagnosed with terminal cancer and less than one year to live. One is a corporate billionaire and the other is a working class mechanic with a penchant for history and facts. They end up sharing a hospital room together, and after getting past initial treatments decide to leave the hospital and go do all the things each has ever wanted to do before they die. They write a "bucket list," the things to do before "they kick the bucket". They travel the world, and do all sorts of fun things together along the way. In the end, they find joy, friendship, make discoveries, find redemption, and ultimately "heal" each other. It is a moving film that made me think about priorities in life and what's important. I didn't find it overly sad or depressing, so unless you are particularly sensitive about these things or perhaps what I've described hits a little too close to home, I'd recommend renting it. I'm sure some people might think it portrays having a terminal illness as all fun and games, but that's not the point of the film. It's about making the journey of life and discovering things about yourself. It's worth the rental fee and microwave popcorn for sure.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. i also saw this a few weeks ago and enjoyed it very much. mostly i have done my bucket list. it was fun thinking about it and the fun we have had doing things. now i mostly do things i love (over and over, ha ha ha) like cruising!

    smiles, bee

  2. I'm going to rent this one soon. I love both of them!

  3. I, like you, loved this film. I don't know why it got such crappy reviews..! I found it very inspiring and funny as well as sad and thoughtful...."SAD" is a fact of life, just the way FUNNY is, too...And these two actors together...Well, they were terrific!!!

    I really love Jack N. He isn't afraid to look like a rumpled old guy...I find this admirable in a day and age when everyone---MEN & WOMEN are "fixing" everything on themselves to the point of being unrecognizeable....! Both of these guys are such consumate actors....I found this film very moving....!

  4. I'm glad to have this review-I've seen it on my On Demand list for a while but hesitated renting it because I didn't know if was good or not. Now I know that it's something I'd like to watch. Thanks for sharing!

    Happy 4th of July weekend Rick!!

  5. Ok, so I am far from being au courrant about movies, topics, stars, etc., so I really appreciated you posting about this movie -which I think I'd heard the name before but knew nothing else about it. Since it stars two of my favorite actors and the story line sounds really interesting, I'll have to make a point of mentioning this to Mandy to keep an eye out for it at the video rental place! Thanks for a great heads up there!

  6. We saw this "accidentally" when our first choice was sold out at the theater. Both loved it - with all the sad, uncomfortable and strange parts - because it was also so entertaining! Bottom line is entertainment, hopefully with a little class - and "Bucket" more than filled the bill.

  7. I've been wanting to see this. Thanks for the tip.

  8. I must see this now. One of my fav topics! LIFE AND DEATH! WHY SURE!


Thank you kindly.