Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Exploring Palm Springs: Windmill Farms

Often times when I talk to people about Palm Springs, a frequent question is "Is that anywhere near all those windmills? There is an enormous windmill farm with thousands of them lined up along the corridor of the 10 Freeway, nestled between the two major mountain ranges. The path of the two mountains link the hot desert climate to the westerly Pacific Ocean, creating a vacuum of sorts, where the rising hot air pulls cooler air from the coast. Like magic, there is perfect supply of wind flowing back East, into the desert. The windmills dot the mountainside and passageway. We decided to take a closer look at the windmills and drove up into the hills for a better vantage. We stumbled on one of the Indian grounds, where I snapped this photo at the entrance. If you look carefully, to the right of the face, there is a little sign that reads "KEEP OUT...Yeah You", which I found amusing. We dutifully obeyed the sign and decided we would see the windmills more closely from a different location. Following are a series of photos I took, I hope you enjoy them!

above: I like the clouds in the sky here.

above: I was up high on the hill looking down onto the floor of the valley when I took this one.

above: looking west, toward LA

above: You can see the railroad tracks on the right. I like the contrasts here

above: A hazy sunset behind the many windmills. It was a beautiful way to end the day.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. i like the looks of these. i wish we had lots more of them.

    smiles, bee

  2. Thank you for sharing images of Palm Springs. One of my best friends lives there but I've never been - yet. Seeing your images makes me feel just a little bit closer, though. How lucky you are to live in such a beautiful place!

    Sharon H.

  3. we just drove through the illinois farmland this weekend. they have tons of thsoe, too!

    Folks, those windmills are HUGE! One of the propellers doesn't even fit on a semi, flatbed. It almost takes two long flatbeds to transport one blade!

  4. I have driven past these MANY times, and funny they have these on the Interstate 8 going to San Diego from Arizona also.

  5. wow, that's kind of interesting. green energy and certainly much more picturesque than the cooling towers of the nuke plant where i grew up.

  6. When we take our trips to St Louis, we get to drive past a huge windmill farm. It's one of our favorite "trip markers".

    Those cacti pics are great too--you really do live in one of the most beautiful places on earth. :)


  7. It's like an army. I disagree with people who say the windmills will ruin the landscape. There is so much empty land around and I bet the poeple who are complaining don't live within sight of it.

  8. I have seen these many many times Rick, and it is always like some kind of Sculptural Happening, especially because of the movement....Great Pictures, my dear!

  9. They look like aliens standing around, don't they?

    We hope to get wind power in the Mat-Su Valley in Alaska. We get 70 mph winds in February that come from Siberia and plunge us into -40 weather. If we had the wind farms and they were owned by the borough, it would make those annual two weeks tolerable!

  10. I agree. These rotating sculptures are useful too. More windmills, USA! I saw this particular windfarm in person in the 1990s and was super impressed. They were a picturesque surprise, driving along the road there.

    Love the haziness in these photos, Mr. Rick. It adds a calming presence.

    P.L. Frederick (SMALL & big)


Thank you kindly.