Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Saturday Seven: Simple Pleasures

This morning was not unlike most Saturdays. I woke up with a spectacular view of the morning sunrise shining on our mountains here in the desert. No two mornings are alike here in Palm Springs. After letting the beasts outside to relieve themselves, I brewed a pot of organic coffee and settled down with my laptop to write the Saturday Seven. It occurred to me how happy I am, fortunate and blessed in many ways. By most measures I have lived a charmed life, but not every step has been as good as it is today. And who knows what tomorrow brings, not even the great Dr Wang can foresee that. This being said, what's important is to always have an appreciation for the things in life that can bring joy, regardless of the material things that we possess. And so, this brings us to another scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Simple Pleasures

#1: Morning Sunrise- it is one of the most beautiful sights to see, free for all, everyday.

#2 Smelling the Roses- Forgive me for being cliche, but to be honest for me, this is one of the rules I strictly live by. I ALWAYS stop and smell fresh flowers, particularly roses when I pass by. No matter how busy I am, there is always time to appreciate this gift from our plant's soil.
#3 Smiles- It's amazing how something as simple as a smile can completely change a person's mood and attitude. They don't cost anything (usually) and they are catchy too!
#4 Bird Watching- Birds are amazing critters to watch. Stop, slow down and take some time to see what they do all day. You'll be amazed, and it may even relax you a bit.
#5 A Nice Cup of Cawfee- Among life's simple pleasures and affordable if you make it yourself!
#6 Fluffy Pillows- need I say anymore?
#7 Ice Cream- C'mon, you didn't think I could have a list like this without something chocolate do you?

-Rick Rockhill


  1. I'm with you on these simple pleasures...The Birds, The Bees, The Flowers, The Sunsets...(Oh, my...!), And ABSOLUTELY, some Chocolate...whether it is Ice Cram or a nice little piece of Dark Dark Chocolate....YUMMMM!

  2. Chocolate is definitely one of life's pleasures. Me, one of my favorite simple pleasures is getting to hug my kids. I especially love when my son crawls into my bed in the mornings to snuggle and kiss me good morning.

  3. I love your attitude. Your gratitude. It's super cool.

  4. probably saturday morning cartoons with the kids. its so fun to see them giggle.

  5. i will even keep mine specific to saturday. i just love being able to sleep late, especially after a busy week. when i get up i like to listen to "car talk" then "wait, wait, don't tell me" on NPR while i putter around. when i finally get around to a shower i enjoy giving myself a little facial and doing all the extra little self pampering grooming things that aren't necessarily part of the daily ritual.

  6. Oh my yes - Coffee and chocolate! All great choices but those two trump the rest.

  7. It's good to hear you're so happy.

    I'm with you on the sun, but I like sunsets, as you well know from my blog lately.

    And any time I see a bird, even a sparrow, I stop and gawk at it and smile when it does something bird-y.

    Good friends, yummy food, colorful sunsets, pretty scented flowers, cute animals/birds, nice soap. That's my list.


Thank you kindly.