Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Adventures of Sheldon: The Hapless Happenstance

It was a dark, stormy night. (well not really, but that just sounded more dramatic). Young Sheldon Gryffindor was at home in Palm Springs, under the watch of his two older brothers, Koshimi and Owen. Throughout the house were a range of toys-plush, rope, tennis balls and more. A collection of flavored bones, smoked knuckles and peanut butter filled femurs dotted the floors, ready for the whim of a bored puppy. But on this night, none of these were of interest to our 19 week old Standard Poodle Puppy. Blame it on the full moon. Or was it a minor tremor in the Earth? The boredom factor kicked in and Young Sheldon heard the calling of a fresh, new roll of paper towels left haphazardly on the coffee table in the media room. Not unlike the Paper Towel Massacre or the Spanish Moss Incident, this roll of paper towels proved far too tempting for him to resist. What would follow shall henceforth be known as The Hapless Happenstance. When we entered the main foyer, we were greeted with this sight:

above: Earlier in the day, the Oriental rug was removed for cleaning, which left a perfect open court for the antics of a bored poodle puppy.

above: Young Sheldon came running to greet us. His excitement in seeing us was mixed with pride for his artistic accomplishment, a work of art in paper media.

above: The artist attempts to provide his interpretation of this great work of art. Being the author of the Sunday Art Review, I ascertained that this would not stand up to artistic standards of my readers, thus I deemed this as unworthy for consideration as true art. Much to the dismay of the young canine artist, it was disassembled shortly after our untimely discovery.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Oh dear! It looks like Sheldon has a thing for paper!

  2. Oh you are so wrong, Rick...This is BRILLIANT Work....And I cannot believe you destroyed it! I kept thinking as I saw picture after picture...What aq talented puppy Sheldon is....! Well, at least you have pictures of this very very unusual and creative work!
    I say BRAVO to Sheldon...and 'give us more to see'.....!

  3. LOL! Thanks for the smile... He is one cheeky puppy!

  4. Perhaps young Sheldon just has a penchant for interior decorating. Imagine how difficult it can be when you lack opposable thumbs.

  5. bless his little heart!

    smiles, bee

  6. I think you should set up a Sheldon-Cam to capture his zany antics.

  7. i believe sheldon's installation of the work was incomplete. i have it on good authority that he intended to add his own personal puppy eliminations to the paper towels. it was intended as a postmodern reflection on the pretense of more traditional venues and media.

  8. These pictures bring back lots of memories of a mutt we had a few years back. I never knew what kind of mess would be awaiting for me when I got home from work each nite. One day it was rice scattered all over the floor after he'd snagged a rice pack my aunt had sent me, another time it was some yarn I was working with that he had managed to unravel and string it all through the living room and dining room, creating his own special labyrinth but the worst I think was when he somehow managed to grap a camera my older daughter had given me for Christmas and chomped it almost into oblivion! Puppies are so cute and also, sometimes so bad and destructive.

  9. I have walked in to that same artwork on several occassions! All you can do is laugh.

  10. I really do need to buy stock in a paper towel company. You'd send my earnings through the roof! *wink*

  11. You seem to have a pretty good attitude about it (better than I would have).

  12. dear god in heaven! looks awfully familiar, unfortunately. with toilet paper (EVERYWHERE, may I add). You can't turn your back on the kids for a minute.

  13. I sit back and smile...as I know first hand, the workings of a standard poodle's little mind.

  14. Sheldon is a true artist! That beats any Jason Pollock or Tracy Emin any day *LOL*

  15. Children! What will you ever do with or without them! :)

  16. Im glad it was only the paper towels and nothing dear that because the artist's canvas.


Thank you kindly.