Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Me and Tilman

I had intended to share more photos from my trip to wine country, but I had an interesting visitor show up at work today that seems Blogworthy. For those of you who have been watching the TV show "Greatest American Dog" on CBS Thursday nights may be familiar with Tilman, the English Bulldog who can skateboard. Actually, Tilman can not only ride a skateboard, he can snowboard and skimboards. He also loves tetherball and soccer, so he is quite the athletic dog. One of our vendors brought Tilman by to say hello. Here are a few action photos:
above: Tilman riding his skateboard. I think he would have kept riding forever but he ran out of pavement!
above: Tilman actually stands on the board and kicks off with his back legs. He was really amazing.

above: Tilman takes a break after an intense couple of rides on his board. He is a very cool dog for sure. It was a fun way to start the day.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Man...I really miss silly work distractions like that! The pugs miss coming to work. :(

  2. oh how cute! i have not seen him before but he is a doll!

    smiles, bee

  3. that is just too cute for words. i can't even do that without fear of killing myself.

  4. Oh Tilman is reallu something...! And such a cute doggie, too! I saw him on Oprah, some months ago and it was utterly delightful...! He makes one laugh and smile...How fun that you got to see him "In Person", Rick!

  5. That is adorable! How cool is he? Seriously-I think he's cooler than most people I know. :)

  6. A skateboarding dog huh? I'll have to try to remember to catch that one!
    BTW -if you access my blog via a reader, Google Reader in particular, I just wanted to tell you it's been giving me fits since Thursday, the 31st of July. Seems to be updating everyone else's blogs but MINE! And, I've done at least 7, maybe 8 posts since the 31st too! ARRGH!

  7. He's got a sweet smile!

  8. Way ta go li'l skater dude Tilman! FER SURE!

  9. I love that show and I love LOVE LOVE Bulldogs..

    it's amazing that Tilman can do that when most bulldogs have a difficult time with their back legs..remarkable!!


  10. Oh You Met Tilman! He is most ace! I think I have his video saved to my YouTube favorites.

    You guys have to go watch it if you haven't already.

  11. Yep, Tillman is famous here in London town as well. Nice that you got to meet him :)

  12. I saw the two skateboards and thought to myself, "This will not end well." It did end well! What a cool dog!

    My dog has away of appearing in my car as soon as he sees my keys. I think he has a Star Trek transformer thing that he pushes then he scratches his ear. He sits in the car like one of the kids, but he's still and doesn't fight pr constantly ask if we are there yet or ask to go to the bathroom.

  13. Poor Tilman got expelled from the Greatest American Dog last week. I'll miss him.

  14. Karelian - indeed I was in London when I learned about him and it was during one of those rambling tangents through YouTube, when I was originally searching rabbit videos.

    Stan - Darnit, I keep forgetting to watch that series!

  15. You do run in the most intriguing celebrity circles, Rick. *grin*

  16. Tilman is such a clever dog! I've never heard of a dog who can skateboard before Rick.


Thank you kindly.