Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rick's Roadshow: Georgetown, Washington DC

Welcome to another installment of Rick's Roadshow! I wish to disclose upfront that I am not on the road today, I've been hanging onto this post now for a few weeks but I've had too much going on to get to this post. You may recall a few weeks ago I was in the Washington DC area attending my company's Leadership Summit and Trade Show at the Gaylord National Hotel facility. I was so busy that week that I didn't have time to publish a Rick's Roadshow post, but I did have ONE evening free to get out and explore the area. The photo above is in the Georgetown area, right on the Potomac River. The water fountains were so beautiful at night.

above: this is the view further back, before I approached those beautiful water fountains. (They are actually lower, by the river bank).

above: I took this photo from inside a restaurant, looking out the windows where these trees were covered in tiny white lights.

above: one of many monuments in the DC area.

above: This lion head water spout was near the base of that giant monument- there are several of them going around the base, with water flowing out of the lion's mouths and into a basin.
Alexandria, Virginia
Earlier in the evening, we took a water taxi from National Harbor over to Alexandria, Virginia

above: this is the pier where we caught the water taxi from National Harbor to Alexandria Old Town Pier.

above: While crossing the river, we encountered this other water taxi...
above: the view of Alexandria, Virginia as we approached the shore. It had an old world Colonial feel to it and was quite charming.

above: Our water taxi arrived at Alexandria Old Town Pier. It was a festive area with plenty of activity. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the Old Town area. We drove past places where our founding fathers lived and worked. Unfortunately dusk settled in and my camera was useless in the dark streets, so you'll have to take my word for it, it was cute. Well that's all I'm afraid. Not the most exciting edition of Rick's Roadshow, but it is what it is. Thanks for stopping by!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Georgetown! Your pictures are beautiful! The one shot from inside the restaurant gave me a ChristmasEE feel!! :)

  2. I need to go there. I have an old friend who lives in the DC area. Those photos just made me want to go more... It's just charming!

  3. It looks like a nice place to walk around, I need to get there sometime

  4. We have spent a lot of time there over the years, since mr. kenju grad. from Georgetown and our daughter lives in Arlington. The tourist venues are endless!

  5. What a grand place to spend a day. So much to see, and I'm in love with the Colonial history.

  6. It's been years. Need to go back and spend more time. The only thing I did not like about DC was the abject poverty surrounding the Capitol, a disgrace to our country, really a disgrace that people anyhere in the US live in those circumstances.

  7. That was very interesting Rick...What I liked about it isthis: Most people taking pictures of D.C. show the Usual stuff, you know...So this was a real treat...Seeing things we don't usually see. Thanks for the tour, my dear!

  8. I am living vicariously through you :)

  9. What beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing your trip.

  10. I have a dear friend who lives a mile from that pier in Alexandria. Thanks for the view and for sharing your trip!


Thank you kindly.