Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Variation on Rows

Welcome to another installment of The Sunday Art Review, where this week's theme is Variations on Rows. Earlier this week, when I was planning today's post, I spent some time thinking about this painting at left, and the theme jumped out at me. I liked the fact that there are rows of rowers. Whether the artist intended that double message or not, it served up this week's theme for the Sunday Art Review: Variations on Rows

above: "Opera House Row"

above: Photo of the Queen's Soldiers

above: "Palm Row Field"

above: "Row House Jive"

above: "Afternoon at the Vineyard"

above: "Lavendar in Bloom"
-Rick Rockhill


  1. My fave? Lavender in Bloom.

  2. they're all very remarkable pictures, although for me I must say that when viewing them it makes me feel busy and clustered..and living a life like that with having boys 2,4 and 6..I prefer calm, cool, colors without too much row after row after row of things.

    Silly? Yes.
    But true.

    Time to go Ben is crying.


  3. P.S> YOU MET REGIS!! I LOVE HIM!! How totally cool!!!


  4. i love row house jive but my favorite is the lavender!

    smiles, bee

  5. I always love your blog, but I must say, you really do post completely random things. I love it!

  6. oh what a very cool idea for a theme! it shows such diverse possibilities. and the perspectives in each painting are so interesting. i think i like row house jive best. the colors and the funkiness of it just make me smile.

  7. I'd like to see a picture of rowers fighting it out and beating each other over the heads with their paddles. I'd call it "Rowers Having A Row."

    Thanks for not including any Roe pictures. Caviar sicks me out.

  8. Row House Jive is my favorite! I like the top one of the crews also.

  9. Dana- thanks, I do try to keep the topics random for both the Sunday Art Review and the Saturday Seven. It keeps things interesting around here...

  10. My fave is Lavender In Bloom. I would love to have that hanging in my house.
    Yesterday, when Kayla and I at the sci fi con, Kayla asked me which blog buddy I had that had met all of the famous people. When I told her that was Rick, she wanted to know if you had ever met Henry Winkler...

  11. Oooh, I'm lovin' that lavender! Gorgeous!

  12. Hi Rick :)

    Wow, thanks for the compliment!
    I`m liking that "Row House Jive" and the Lavender one.
    You sure have an interesting life there and sure do meet a lot of famous people and eat at such fantastic spots! Would love to hang out!


  13. My favorite was the first. I just like the style. Rows of rowers.

  14. Now isn't that some theme!

    I love them all! I have often wondered about the patience of an artist while painting things in a row! to be doing same thing again & again, yet so uniquely with their slight variations!


Thank you kindly.