Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Michael Pfleghaar

Each week I attempt to present a variety of different themes and mediums with the hope that something strikes a chord in someone from time to time. This week I thought I'd feature a series of work from a fabulously talented artist who has become respected and known in many circles, particularly among collectors here in Palm Springs. This artist was the inspiration for this week's Sunday Art Review: Michael Pfleghaar. These images are reprints of his work which I am sharing here because I respect and admire his wonderful ability to bring you into the image.

above: "Poolside"

above: "Lounge"

" The Dance"

above" Wexler Steel House"
above: "Fireside"

above: "Eames Chairs
Which is your favorite? Feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts about this wonderful artist.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. these are all such beautiful peices, but I think I like poolside best.

  2. i am not familiar with him but do like his work, thanks for sharing it and showing me!

    and i never "got" the whole eames chair thingy. guess it's like the sunburst clock i like, huh?

    smiles, bee

  3. I like them all, but The Dance is full of movement and action.

  4. The first one is my favorite because it has some interesxtimg plants in it! I can't see his work is my cuo of tea, but that is whay Art is all about, isn't it?


Thank you kindly.