Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hey, I'm in Rolling Stone Magazine

As a music lover, I've long been a fan of Rolling Stone magazine. Over the years it has featured many of the great Rock and Roll artists of all time. I recently had my opportunity to be on a special local cover edition as The Palm Springs Savant. I decided to honor Stevie Nicks by wearing a concert t-shirts from her last tour. The photographer caught me doing a little guitar solo to Edge of Seventeen, arguably one of the best guitar solos in Rock and Roll. The photo didn't come out nearly as good as I had hoped. I look like one of those over 40 aging rocker dudes trying to be 20 again. Ah, youth is wasted on the young, as they say. But then again, just like Rod Stewart, I'll be Forever Young (in my head anyway). Meanwhile today I am flying to St Louis, MO to attend a conference where I am the keynote speaker. If I can snag a photo or two I'll have an update for you on Thursday. And for those of you keeping track, I leave for Italy on Thursday. A few days in Rome, then the big cruise leaves on Monday. So hold onto your wigs, I have a fresh new blog cruise series planned for y'all. Hopefully this cover of Rolling Stone didn't run in Italy, I'd hate to be mobbed while on holiday.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I'm really jealous! That is a great cover shot! Did you notice you have that same great shirt on in the previous day's blog in the first picture? See you in a couple days (but you've been so busy you might need an actual vacation and won't have energy to keep up with us...) (!)

  2. lol, you crack me up. and your travel schedule is dizzying!

  3. What'cha gonna talk about?

    If you get stage fright, just imagine everyone in their underwear. It worked for Marcia Brady...LOL!

    Oh boy, we get to go on a cruise!!!!

  4. have a great time traveling!!
    take pics and be well!


  5. Oh, I LOVE cruising - we're going on the Ruby Princess inaugural cruise in November. Can't wait to read your review of this cruise. By the way, question - are you still at the email address on this blog? I tried to email a question about cat food. Where can I reach you?
    - Sharon -

  6. You are officially the coolest person I know.

  7. Do you have a constant case of jet lag, Rick? I can't keep up with you - whew!

  8. Damn! Italy, huh? How fantastic that has to be for you. Stop in PA on your way over and pick me up, will ya please?

  9. let's see, magazine cover, concert, speaker, rome, cruise ship, i want to BE YOU!!!!

    smiles, bee

  10. Great shot! I can't wait to see what you have for us from your trip.

  11. so totally awesome - you are a rokcstar and now you can prove it to the rest of the world! Live it baby!

  12. Okay, I'm headed over to the magazine rack at Long's to see if this is a put-on or not. You scalliwag.

  13. Wow! What a busy schedule you have!

    That must've been amazing to be at "Farm Aid".

  14. Have a wonderful vacation! I'll be watching the blog to keep tabs on my mom. Will you do a post about her shoes? I think she is bringing fewer than 15 pairs for this trip! Enjoy!

  15. I think you look amazing on that cover. Sort of Steve Jobs but much cuter.

    I want to go to Italy. I'll do it through you.


Thank you kindly.