Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Series: Classic Characters

My Halloween series continues today with a quick look at some of my favorite "Classic Halloween Characters". No matter what age you are, it's always fun to dress up and be something else for a night! For those of you who may not know, Halloween originated from the Pagan Celtic holiday of Samhain. The tradition of dressing up for Halloween first became popular in the US in the early 1900s, but it wasn't until the 1930s when costumes were mass produced and sold in stores. Right around the same time, trick-or-treating gained popularity and kids collected apples, home-made sweets and cookies. Since their inception, Halloween costumes are often based on monsters, supernatural creatures, vampires, ghosts, witches, and devils. Here are some of my favorite characters that are great for Halloween:

above: The Wicked Witch of the West

above: Werewolf

above: Mummy

above: Wizard

above: Frankenstein's Monster
above: The Bride of Frankenstein's Monster
What are your favorite costumes or Characters for Halloween? Go ahead, leave a comment, it's more fun than a barrel of snakes.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I go as Lois... Being Lois is SCARY enough! LOL

  2. I have only dressed up once for Halloween (since childhood) and it was as Morticia. Back then I had long, dark hair and I was whippet thin, so I looked very good in the part!

    We are going to a local party this Fri. and I still don't know what I'll wear. My heart's not in it, apparently.

  3. one year i had just finished therapy for a back injury right before halloween. among other things it involved electrical stimulation of nerves. i so wanted to find a bride of frankenstein wig and wear it to the doc's office for halloween and tell them it was an unintentional side effect of the therapy.


Thank you kindly.