Monday, October 13, 2008

Rick's Roadshow: Venice, Italy Part I

Rick's Roadshow resumes again, with a few installments from Venice, Italy. As you might expect, I am not planning to spend much time in my hotel room writing these posts-I'd rather be out exploring Venice. When I was on the cruise portion of this trip, I had plenty of time in the evenings to recap the day, but here on land I'm spending most of my time enjoying the city, drinking wine and eating delicious food. We disembarked the ship and took a water taxi to the main island of Venice. If you ever go to Venice, spend the money on the private water taxi, its much better than waiting for the big public boat which goes slower and has lots of stops. Our hotel, the Metropole has its own private dock on a canal, so our water taxi pulled right up to the hotel and they took care of all of our luggage. Much better than dragging it up and down all the those bridges!

above left: Our water taxi arrives at the Metropole hotel. above right: all of the family's luggage was a huge pile!
Views of the Metropole Hotel in Venice

Some Views of San Marcos (St Mark's Square)

Sorry to be light with the commentary. I'm off for a new adventure in Venice. Tomorrow I'll post more from Rick's Roadshow: Venice, Italy!
-Signore Ricardo Rockhill


  1. That last photo is magnificent! I will forever rue the fact that we missed Venice, because my daughter had already been there and didn't want to go back. I look forward to more photos, and I certainly understand about not wanting to spend time in the hotel writing!

  2. gosh it has been almost exactly a year since we were there. sigh...

    smiles, bee

  3. Wow. I go offline for a few weeks and you leave me to go vacation.
    Looks like you are having a wonderful time!

  4. Ah, who needs commentary when we can feast our eyes on the visual richness? Words cannot describe...

  5. Thank you for the pictures once again! Have fun and looking forward to hearing and seeing some more :)

  6. What a FANTASTIC trip you have been on and still are on! Great to see all your pictures, Rick! hanks for sharing all of these with us!

  7. Thanks to everyone for your comments and e-mails. I'm finally catching up on them all. It has been a wonder ful trip!


Thank you kindly.