Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Vases of the Vatican Museum

My visit to Rome and the Mediterranean Cruise a few weeks back provided a great deal of content for the blog. Without question there was a plethora of breathtaking and stunning art wherever we went in Italy, France, Monaco and Montenegro. My brief visit to the Vatican Museum was a veritable gold mine of art. I took hundreds of photos that day, and chose to focus on three main subjects: Statues, Vases and Ceilings. If I had a few days to spend in the Vatican Museum I could have easily come up with several photo series. I'll just have to make another trip back to Rome. Last week I presented the Sunday Art Review: Statues of the Vatican. Next Sunday I hope you can return to see the photos of the ceilings within the Vatican Museum. Today I am pleased to present the Sunday Art Review: Vases of the Vatican Museum. None of these vases had titles so I shall assign names for the sake of any comments. Enjoy~
above: "Rosso"
above: "Nero"
above: "Octagon"
above: "Vase 43"
above: "Wing Marble"
above: " Verde-Nero"
above: "Fiori dell'oro"
above: "Fiori Rosso"

above: "Leoni dell'oro"
Thanks ever so for stopping by the Sunday Art Review. Have a great Sunday!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I love the bas relief on the wing marble vase... so intricate!

    The painting on the Leoni dell'oro vase reminds me of the old German porcelains (Kaufmann?)with the pastoral and rococo scenes.

  2. Duh.... it's probably Sevres. My bad...

  3. I would have trouble picking a favorite, but the last 2 are gorgeous. When we were there in 2006, I couldn't spend as much time as I wanted looking at vases, since they didn't interest my husband or daughter. More's the pity!

    I looked at my European photos this morning and brought back memories of the trip. Wish I could go back.

  4. beautiful glimpse into their art!

    smiles, bee

  5. Love the last two. Amazing old work.


  6. Thanks for sharing more from the trip. I didn't take too many photos at the Vatican museums but it's fun to see what captured your attention. Look for to next week's installment.

  7. These are all so very pretty, I love how you captured them so effortlessly. Wouldn't it be nice to have one of these in your home?

  8. Despite seeing a million urns and vases and memorizing the names of their shapes, I never before wondered "Why the obsession since antiquity with this form?"

    If I had to choose one, it would be Fiori Rosso despite its relative modernity to the ones above it. I also like the Verde Nero with its ear-shaped handles (auricular). Did you name them all yourself?

  9. I need a nice vase collection like that. They'd make a great OREO cookie hiding place so I wouldn't have to share them with my kids.

  10. And now I want to you pronounce VASE as V-Ahhhh-SSSS? Or do you say it like V-AYYYYY-SSSS?


Thank you kindly.