Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Election Night Chocolate Chip Cookies

Last night I spent the evening glued to the TV set watching the results of the election roll in. I can't say there were any surprises in the results, but I have always enjoyed politics regardless of who wins the election, and find the political coverage interesting. I decided to make some chocolate chip cookies (from scratch of course) as comfort food while watching political history being made. Here is the dish full of cookies I baked while watching the coverage on NBC.

above left: the batter bowl... above right: It was still early in the evening, before the election had been called.
above: the fist batch of cookies comes out of the oven, and made their way to a plate to cool. I ended up eating too many cookies while watching the coverage. It was an historic evening with the world watching democracy at work. The best part of the evening was snuggling up with Sheldon, Koshimi, Owen and my plate of fresh baked, warm chocolate chip cookies.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. We did without television last night. It was an early night for us.

  2. mmmm, i can smell them through the screen!

  3. I did too - had friends in europe waiting for an email from me also. I wish I was at your house watching though, you would have had to post a photo of any empty crumbfilled plate! i see how melty the chips are - yummy!

  4. our club brings in homemade warm cookies while we are playing cards! i only ate one. really. no, really...

    smiles, bee

  5. Those cookies look delicious! I ate popcorn while I watched.

  6. Haha, ironic. We also made chocolate chip cookies and watched the results as they unfolded. I think it should become tradition!

  7. They look super duper yummy! I was going to make cupcakes yesterday but never ended up getting there. Today I'm so excited and the people at work are energized-I should have done it.

  8. Wasn't it just a fabulous election? Now the hard part begins, but the election itself was a refreshing change. I was so moved by the spirit of our country and how everyone really seemed to step up and put aside petty differences to act in a positive way. I tried to stay awake to see the outcome, but I crashed. (Maybe I should have had some cookies) ;)


  9. May I please have a cookie?

    I am happy to have witnessed history!


  10. Great choice! We went the easy route and bought lots of candy. What an amazing night!

  11. Mmmmmm, I'm running out of choc chip cookies, so time for more! *reaches through screen and grabs a few*

  12. A FANTASTIC AMAZING NIGHT! I wept with Joy!

    Now, my mouth is watering from ALL the lucious looking CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES! YUMMMMMMMM!

  13. I can almost smell those through my monitor. Mmmmmmm.....


Thank you kindly.