Monday, November 17, 2008

A Lazy Day at Home in Palm Springs

Sunday was a nice relaxing day at home. I slept until 7:00, which was nice for a change as I am usually up at 4:30 or 5:00. I opened all the French doors along the back of the house and enjoyed the fresh air and bright sunshine all day. Birds were chirping, and the hummingbirds were humming. Even Koshimi and Sheldon enjoyed the day, walking in and out whenever something caught their eye throughout the day. I took this short video just for fun, it's not very exciting I'm afraid. So I filmed a second video of Sheldon as well.

And here is a short video of our Young Sheldon...isn't he cute?

Today I'm off attending a charitable event for my company's Foundation- it's a combination of a Golf Scramble, a Safari in the San Diego Wild Animal Park, and a Culinary Experience at a restaurant. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow!
Thanks for stopping by.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. It's nice to see the palm fronds rustling in the wind, and Sheldon is learning to be a proper gentleman!!

  2. he is a very good boy!!! loved the videos!

    smiles, bee

  3. glad you had the chance to sleep in. i know i savor those mornings myself.

    oh and i stole your 7 random things from saturday and added it to a meme i did today. :)

  4. sheldon is such a cutie pie!

  5. Thank you for the sunny day video as it is miserable here in London town.

    And Sheldon...just too cute :)

  6. Ahhh bless his little cotton socks!

  7. remember when the days of sleeping in was 10 or 11... now like you, 7 is a luxury!

  8. >>it's a combination of a Golf Scramble, a Safari in the San Diego Wild Animal Park, and a Culinary Experience at a restaurant.<<

    Well, I guess SOMEBODY has to mine coal and scrub toilets in our society, eh Rick? Hope you had fun! I'd look at the vids but I can't because I'm using a computer at work and they block anything that could potentially be entertaining. So I'm going back to the coal mine now, where I scrub the miners toilets, which can be fairly entertaining in itself if one is creative enough.

  9. The second one didn't come up for me, and I tried and tried! The first video is lovely-- what does your air smell like?

  10. You slept in till 7?! THAT'S SLEEPING IN TO YOU? GOD I'M LAZY. LOLOL!

    Sheldon's toy is hilarious. What is that thing, a green spider?

  11. Well, it's cold here in Chicagoland but you know how that it. That Sheldon surely is cute.

  12. What a good boy Sheldon is! Especially since he did as told on command ON VIDEO.


Thank you kindly.